Law of Attraction Revisited

Discussion in 'Group Discussions' started by Jai, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. Jai

    Jai Being strong minded.
    The 1000 Daps Club Supporter

    Oct 8, 2015
    Daps Received:
    [Post from Last Night] - but Cypher had a booboo...^_^

    So yeah. There's a chance of thunderstorms tonight during the wee hours. I used to be terrified of thunderstorms, even into adulthood but now I think they are sexy (the gentle rumbles) and the pouring rain helps me relax along with Janet Jackson's "No Sleep (Audio Stream)" song.....but this post isn't a BET After Dark Weather Channel update. It's about my recent post. I did a search on this topic and saw one thread in 2015 and I was like..Hm, lets revisit & refresh this because I really think it works. Long post.

    I know some folks are probably like...that hooligan mojo Cardi B nonsense doesn't even work. Yet, it has, for me at last four times (it may have happened more before I can't remember, I do remember several signs tho during certain points in my life). But I'm aware of it happening four times and I'm gaining a better grasp of it somewhat. This happened with three boys and once with money.

    Money: I'm not aware how I activated it, but I remember one night stating some positive of them being more money will come into my possession. I was serious about these words but later dismissed it and went to sleep.

    The next day I went for a walk and was just in my own world and I so happened to look down in someone's front yard near the sidewalk and I saw what looked like a dollar bill rolled up. I picked it up and it was a $20... I was like..Wow a $20. Lucky. Unraveled it and found out it was actually $40.. I just found two freaking $20 dollar bills. In my mind I was like, thank you Lord. I don't know what I did to get this blessing.......while side eyeing my surroundings expecting some disgruntled hooker or perm wearing drug Lord to appear out of nowhere, but I was lucky and made $40 that day.

    Boy1(2016): There have been two times that I look back on and realize that there are some powerful elements within one's mental and energy game if he so learns how to master it... One guy who I have said is my enemy but I still want to have sex with him because...I don't like him...but it's more like a anger sex..(Makes about as much sense as it sounds) is my first claim (in no particular order). However, there have been at least two times I remember where he and I had the opportunity to connect on a closer level but I fked it up by being my little apprehensive & couldn't even look at him (I have a rooted submissive nature, unless Yu piss me off tho). The fact that a day or so prior, I had explicitly requested that he and I formed some kind of connection. I was postive and intent on these words and beliefs...and just like clockwork it had been brought to me and of course I fked it up not aware. Caught off guard...

    Boy2(2017): My Hawaiian friend. As much as he gets on my nerves. He appeared literally out of nowhere. No too long after I had requested something of the sort. He gravitated like a magnet to me & I was pretty oblivious...(this shows my weakness in realizing my own capabilities...a major downfall). I seem to expect it to come when I want and it always comes when I am not expecting it....

    Boy3(2015): The Best. Now this was a guy I really wanted to f*ck. I can't lie. It was an intense feeling, that sometimes I would think of all the places I could get away doing sexual things with him on the college campus...One being the theratre room which generally was empty and locked except for us theratre students. It was always dark and had extra if I was as naughty and dirty as my thoughts were, Id get dudes into plenty of nut hut hideout situations but alas, I was pretty green and well-mannered in college.

    So this particular guy was from South Carolina, then he went to Stone Mountain, Georgia until he finally transferred to my school for Basketball. I was going for my second major this go round...but I have this thing where I'm kinda meh with guys, but when the moon is right and I spot that right guy, I become a werewolf in my thoughts...He was this type of guy.. He was decent looking, but it was something about him...I definitely wanted to fuk him...but I'm still my green self of course.

    The "Universe" answered my request and desire for him.

    One time I had to do an interview a player for my production class... Guess what player I had to interview. I was so flushed by this. My professor was still showing me film techniques and the boy seemed a little nervous.. Camera shy I suppose.. So my professor sat me down in front of him and told him to look towards the camera but focused on me.. It was really awkward...

    Second time involved him pulling his pants down in the hallway for some unknown reason.. I got a good long view of them boxers too...He was saying something to one of his boys and turned around and dropped his pants outta the blue to his knees...

    I know this sounds like crazy talk but I seriously believe in this but only if one knows how to do it properly. There's definitely something at work here. I can't say it's some religious mojo since Jebus says Im not allowed to have someones dick in my hand.

    But lm telling you....there is definitely something up with this.

    I'm also convinced that energetic fields is at play. To the point where you can manifest things into existence. You just have to play your cards right and apply the proper setup and go with the flow and let the universe run its mojo. I'll keep practicing this to see what my strong points were when I asked for what I did.
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