
Brehs, we present to you a new episode of the CYPHER AVENUE PODCAST where you’ll hear us give updates, engage in heated topic debates, interviewing interesting homosexual men of color and us verbally adding on to the articles posted on the website. The episodes will be available in four ways: You can listen to them on the site, watch on YouTube, download a MP3 version or subscribe to us on iTunes or YouTube for automatic updates!

In this podcast released EXCLUSIVELY on our forums The Boards, Cypher Avenue founders Ocky Williams and Nick Delmacy briefly discuss Anime and Samurai films then continue to scroll through posts by Squad Members on the forum site The Boards to find topics to pick apart in greater detail.


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This podcast is only available to registered forum members who have met the minimum access requirements (uploaded avatar + at least 10 approved forum comments) or be a registered forum member and donate $5 or more on the site here: to bypass access requirements.