Featured, News, Opinion

RANT – The Knock Out Game 

The beast is being well fed. Fox News, Right-Wing media outlets, supremacist leaning organizations and website are having a field day with the latest videos
of black teens gone wild and sucker punching unsuspected innocent bystanders as they peacefully stroll down the street. The victims’ heads often hit the
hard pavement as they lay there motionless. There has been at least one fatality reported as a result of this “game”.

Featured, News, Opinion

Bisexual Pride Day – Did You Know About It? 

You know, a brutha tries to keep up with certain things regarding sexuality but there is only so much one can learn about everything that happens in this country, let alone the world! Certain social events, such as PRIDE-this or PRIDE-that need better promotion – that is, if the purpose of such events is to get better support, awareness and education among the masses