Dog with glasses

If you have been attempting to check out Cypher Avenue lately, I’m sure you’ve seen the “404 Down for Maintenance” message. Or even if you were lucky enough to make it to our home page, no articles were present. Many readers were leaving comments and messages that would disappear into the ether. Also a lot subscribers received tons of duplicate emails and social media notifications from posts we did months or years ago. This caused the inevitable question…“WTF is up with the damn Cypher Avenue website?”

Obviously we were experiencing some serious internal technical issues. Many of our followers know that we just don’t have a website on the front in, but a robust social media Activity Stream component for our subscribers on our back end. Both operate on different data bases but at the same time they still are designed to communicate with one another. So if one gets upsets and wants to have a tantrum, it impacts the other.

Cypher Ave Throws A Tantrum
Cypher Ave Throws A Tantrum

Fearless Cypher Avenue co-founder and tech support guru Nick Delmacy, grabbed the bull by the nuts and had to take the site down for fixes and repairs. The completely self-taught Delmacy was able to get everything back to normal with a few tweaks to also improve the site’s performance. I could do nothing but pace the floor and offer encouragement as Nick went through the process of reanimating our baby boy. BIG UPS to Nick for doing-the-damn-thang!


To make up for you all’s inconvenience, I present to you, cute animals doing cute shit. Enjoy!

ZH8haZm0Tawku2AxCdAG_Waterski Pool Dog




Mg0YDt35Rv60PS8gpjM3_Jumping Dog









