Satan to keynote Republican National Convention

Discussion in 'Race, Religion, Science and Politics' started by Nick Delmacy, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Nick Delmacy

    Nick Delmacy is a Verified MemberNick Delmacy Da Architect
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    CLEVELAND (RNS) Donald Trump has promised “huge” ratings for his primary season finale next week, despite his attempts to lure top Republicans and Mike Ditka mounting into a large pile of don’t-associate-me-with-that-racist regrets. Undeterred as always, the Donald will turn to an immoral political outsider like himself to deliver the keynote address: the Devil Incarnate.

    The Evil One will speak on the darker side of Trump’s campaign theme “Make America Great Again … For Angry White Men” with a message on “Make America Hell Again … for Everyone Else.” The Adversary will reportedly spend equal time on treating women like objects, praising dictators, vilifying immigrants, slurring various religious groups, and not disassociating himself from white supremacists.

    A few excerpts from Beelzebub’s speech were given to press in advance:

    • “When somebody hurts you, just go after them as viciously and as violently as you can. Like it says in the Bible, an eye for an eye. Be paranoid.”
    • “I play into people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular.”
    • “The media represents great power. As someone who has received a lot of attention from the media, I know that its power to make someone recognizable is unbelievable.”
    • “If someone attacks you, do not hesitate. Go for the jugular.”
    • “I will say that people who are following me are very passionate.”
    • “You hear lots of people say that a great deal is when both sides win. That is a bunch of crap. In a great deal you win— not the other side. You crush the opponent and come away with something better for yourself.”
    • “You can never be too greedy.”
    • “A lot of people like me, and a lot of people don’t. That’s okay, because my brand is solid and so am I.”
    • “The show is ‘Trump.’ And it is sold-out performances everywhere.”
    • “A lot of people want to say that being monogamous is the only family value.”
    In addition to the convention appearance, The Tempter and the star of The Apprentice will campaign together to incite xenophobic resentment and scapegoating in white working class communities across America. The embattled birther tweeted his praise this morning:


    (A note from The Literalist: The quotes from the Devil’s speech are Trump’s actual words. The above tweet certainly could be, but isn’t.)

    Satan to keynote Republican National Convention
  2. Winston Smith

    Best Site Comments The 1000 Daps Club Supporter

    May 6, 2016
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    Meh, I'd hardly give Trump the honorific of The Greatest Fallen Angel. As mentioned before, people seem to gloss over the evils of all previous presidents and presidential candidates, because said person is on "their team." For black folk it doesn't really matter whether you vote for Satan or Lucifer (DNC), either way black people always catch hell.

    I actually would enjoy a Trump presidency for the laughs and continued disintegration of white world supremacy, watching his disappointed white fan base turn despondent when they find out there will be no wall (and never could be from a civil engineering, emergency management or macroeconomic standpoint); no magic reappearance of jobs in a 21st Century global, continually automated economy where knowledge is level and evenly distributed by the Internet to all nations with Net access; no return to "white greatness" as mediocre WASP students continue to get crushed by superior Asian, Jewish, and foreign exchange students at Ivy League schools; and no amount of toothless rednecks wielding guns in the Florida panhandle going to "make America great again" as Latinos outnumber and outwork them.

    If we're going to use religious analogies, Trump is like the Prophet Mahomet crushing the deities of the polytheistic pagans that preceded him (other GOP candidates). It makes it that much easier for Clinton to be the new Charles Martel and crush Trump's crusade (Battle of Tours - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
  3. ColumbusGuy

    The 100 Daps Club

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Well he did say that Satan was going to deliver the speech and did not call Trump the devil...but can we at least say Trump is a significant demon? I agree that Trump is not of the caliber to be called any form of 'Ye Olde Deluder Satan' really which should be reserved for the Hitlers and Stalins of world history.

    It is also sad that there are blacks who are so disillusioned with the Democratic Party that they are willing to vote for Trump. Trump will only make things worse for all Americans. We will all suffer from a reign of Trumpness unless we have a ton of money of course or can pull that 'leave and go to Thailand and claim to be something else(Canadian, what aboot that eh?)".
    Winston Smith dapped this.
  4. Winston Smith

    Best Site Comments The 1000 Daps Club Supporter

    May 6, 2016
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    Being disillusioned is not a bad thing, etymologically: prefix dis-; to be removed from illusions. I think many black voters have illusions about what the Democratic Party will offer other than rhetoric. I wouldn't say it was sad that some black people are disillusioned, I would say that it's sad that Democrats have lied and broken promises to many black groups. King had to force the Kennedys into supporting civil rights. Nixon actually expanded federal programs while Clinton crowed about reducing them two decades later.

    I live in Chicago which has been ruled by white Democrats for nearly a century. Everyone recognizes that Chicago is the most segregated city in America, as much as was any southern city like Birminham or Selma. In Chicago, Trump via his real estate moves has probably given more jobs and opportunities to black poor folk than Rahm Emannuel and all the self-righteous Democrats. How many jobs has Trump generated here? Hardly any...but that's more than can be said for the Daleys and Emmanuels that have run things. Black Lives Matter arose moreso as a reaction to welfare and police state policies of big cities run by Democrats, black and white, rather than southern conservatives.

    If some black voters think Trump is good for them so be it. As I said black people are not one group, some racial collective like the Borg in Star Trek, even if the MSM and entrenched politicians like to reinforce that idea. And we absorb that meme. I've always considered it disturbing for most black voters to vote in percentages of 90% or more for one party or another (pro-Republican prior to FDR, pro-DNC afterwards). No other group votes like this. Some black people benefit from Obama, Clinton and the Democrats, chiefly the upper black middle class and government job types. Most of the black underclass has never benefitted from Democratic (or Republican) policies, as black left scholars such as Adolph Reed Jr. and William Julius Wilson have pointed out since The Great Society years.

    So, yeah, maybe the spoils of Big Government will be curtailed for the Talented Tenth and the black bourgeoisie like me if Trump is sworn in, January 2017. For the inner city and underclass black folk nothing changes anyway under Trump *OR* Clinton....

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