12 Things I've Learned in My Journey to Fatherhood

Discussion in 'Group Discussions' started by acessential, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. acessential

    Squad Leader Best Thread Creator The 1000 Daps Club

    Sep 4, 2015
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    My partner and I have made the plunge into fatherhood via gestational surrogacy. We are expecting boy/girl twins this fall. It’s been a long, difficult, but rewarding experience. And because I’m currently enjoying my last few months of adequate sleep and independence, I wanted to share some of the things I learned along the way. This post is specific to my experience being a black man, married to another black man, pursuing gestational surrogacy.


    1) You Will Unwillingly Become an Ambassador for Black Gay Dads.

    For any sort of minority, being an ambassador isn’t unique. For example, by virtue of you being black, your actions are magnified and become a microcosmic representation of all black men in the eyes of white people and non-black folks. Think about how black men often force ourselves to be polite even under the most intolerable treatment lest we be labeled as thugs or the scary black man. Same can be said for black gay fathers. You may very well be the only black gay dad a person may know. And suddenly you realize your actions and behavior are going to be the image that shapes the view of so many people around you. No pressure at all.


    2) The Surrogacy World in the U.S. is ½ White ½ International

    I’m exaggerating a bit, but like most things in this country, the surrogacy world is dominated by white middle and upper middle class couples both straight and gay. And of course, there’s a large segment of international parents from China, Europe, and Israel. There aren’t many black gay couples pursuing surrogacy. It remains out of reach for the majority of melanated individuals.


    3) This Shit is Expensive

    This is a given, but once you actually start to crunch the numbers and physically see your bank account deplete and your debt rise from taking out loans, shit gets real. We have forgone even the most basic of luxuries such as food delivery. We cook 99.9% of our meals at home and only travel for work purposes. Fortunately, I have a fairly well paying job and my husband had some money saved up over the years, so although the journey did hit our finances hard, it didn’t devastate us. $150,000+ is the average total cost to complete a surrogacy journey nowadays.


    4) Money is Only a Partial Motivator for Most Surrogates

    I’m not going to lie and say that money does not play a role in the recruitment of surrogates. But after hearing from a wide array of surrogates, you start to realize that the primary motivation is simply altruism. The majority of surrogates simply want to help families who are unable to have their own children. There are other reasons too. Check instagram or YouTube. There are some women who document their surrogacy journeys. Not for money, but for validation and likes. This is not to say that any surrogate who shares their journey publicly is doing it for validation. In fact, most aren’t. But there are a few who see this solely as an opportunity to up their follower count. Luckily, most of those potential surrogates get rejected outright.


    5) Not Everyone Can Be a Surrogate.

    Contrary to popular belief, becoming a gestational surrogate isn’t as easy as offering your uterus to the highest bidder. There are a lot of requirements. And not fulfilling those requirements means that the agencies, doctors, lawyers, and courts involved will reject the arrangement outright. Here’s a small insight into what it takes to be a surrogate: You have to have been pregnant before, you cannot be on government assistance, you have to be financially stable, you have to be raising your own kids, you cannot have any mental health issues, you cannot have any medical issues, you have to have had healthy pregnancies, you cannot be obese or underweight, you cannot have a criminal record, and you cannot lack support from your partner if you’re married or in a serious relationship. The horror stories you hear in the news about surrogacy often stem from shady practices that bypass ethical recommendations and safeguards. Most reputable doctors, agencies, and lawyers follow guidelines set by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.


    6) You Will Have to Develop a New Level of Trust in Someone Else.

    Pregnancy is hard. Hormones are brutal. And sometimes pregnant people just want to be left alone. They don’t have any ill intentions. They care about themselves and the child or children they are carrying, but they may not be in the mood to talk or play nice. And you have to accept that. Because ultimately it’s still the surrogate’s body. And you adding extra stress is not going to do any of you any good. You have to trust that this person is going to do what’s best for herself and your children. I constantly think about my children and I wish I could call or pop in at any moment just to see how they’re doing, but I have to respect that my surrogate has her own family and her own life. There’s so much you cannot control about this journey. You simply have to trust. Therapy also helps.


    7) Infertility is Real

    And it’s heartbreaking. For many gay men seeking to become parents through surrogacy, we’re not medically infertile. Just socially. But being a parent through surrogacy and IVF means you’ll cross paths with heterosexual couples who are also pursing surrogacy. And their stories don’t start from a place of excitement like it does for gay men. They’ve experienced years of miscarriages, failures to conceive, and failed IVF cycles on their own bodies. You will learn about endometriosis, Asherman’s syndrome, uterine fibroids, cervical insufficiency, male factor infertility, and dozens of other silent diseases that many of your friends, family, and colleagues may suffer through without you knowing. You’ll become more empathetic and cheer on families both gay and straight as they finally achieve their dreams.


    8) Other Gay Men Will Judge You for Doing Surrogacy.

    “There are thousands of kids in need of homes, why don’t you just adopt? It’s selfish. We’re already overpopulated!” Aw, the age old adoptive gay dads versus surrogacy gay dads conflict. That initial quote is missing a lot of nuance. My husband and I actually did look into adoption both privately and through foster care initially. Unfortunately, we soon learned that it would be difficult if not impossible due to the migratory nature of my work. For my job, we’re never in the same place for very long. Hell, we’ve lived in four different cities in two different countries in 2020 alone. Not to mention, this quote also ignores the fact that unfortunately a lot of parents are not equipped to adopt. Particularly through foster care. I’m a firm believer that in order to be a good foster parent you have to be prepared to help a child through any sort of trauma they may have experienced in their life. Children in foster care have different levels of trauma from mild to severe, but you have to be prepared to handle any of it. Most people aren’t. And when it comes to overpopulation, if your life mantra is that there’s too many people, I suggest you tell straight people to stop having children. Or accept the fact that the idea of overpopulation is largely a myth and has more to do with artificial scarcity and uneven distribution of resources.


    9) Twins are Very Risky

    For gay couples in particular, a double embryo transfer is very common. Each dad fertilizes an egg from the same egg donor and both are transferred to the surrogate. This results in twins with each child genetically related to one dad and each child genetically related to one another via the egg donor. Unfortunately, twins are a high risk pregnancy that can come with a multitude of complications for both surrogate and babies. It’s not recommended by pretty much anyone, but many gay men still do it anyway. Why? Because if things turn out fine, the outcome is excellent. You have two beautiful babies that are genetically connected to each of you and you only had to go through the surrogacy process once. But if things go wrong, it can be heartbreaking, traumatic, and financially devastating.


    10) No Matter How Much You Wanted This, Part of You Will Mourn Your Current Life.

    And that’s okay. My husband and I have both wanted children long before we met each other. But we know that being parents is not going to be easy and is going to change everything. We’re both homebodies and with the pandemic going on, it has been nice not being forced to go anywhere or do much of anything. We can watch movies, listen to music, read, and play video games for as long as we want. Mourning isn’t necessarily a negative thing. It’s akin to getting your dream job in a new city. You’re excited for the new adventure, but you know you’ll miss your current home and old friends. You can always come back to visit, but it’ll never be quite the same. You’re mourning the life you had, but you’re excited for what’s to come. That’s what preparing for fatherhood is like.


    11) Watching the News Will Depress You and Make You Wonder What Kind of World Your Child Will Grow Up in.

    Having children, particularly black children during an international pandemic and in the middle of an anti-racist movement makes you anxious about what kind of world you’re leaving for them. And yet, you do it because part of you still remains hopeful. You remain hopeful that the world will get better. And it leaves you motivated to help change things for the greater good so that your children will have a better world to look forward to even after you’re gone. And of course, once again, therapy helps.


    12) All of the Stress, Heartache, and Uncertainty Will Feel Worth It

    As I mentioned earlier, I’ve wanted kids for as long as I can remember. And no matter how my kids turn out, how difficult they may be, and how tired and stressed I may become, I want to experience all of it. I want to be a dad and I’m so thankful that I live in a time and place where that’s possible. And I’m so thankful that I’m married to a man who shares my passion. We still have some weeks/months left to go, so I’ll let you all know how things turn out eventually. But I’m remaining hopeful for what’s to come.

    Peace to the squad!

  2. Sean P

    Squad Leader The 100 Daps Club Supporter

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Congratulations on realizing one of your dreams! Raising kids is a big job. It’s great to see a Black couple that is willing to make that commitment.
    acessential dapped this.
  3. over-it

    over-it Only the REAL

    Sep 11, 2015
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    Sheesh! So much to unpack. I'll lead with saying that because I'm a kid who grew up in the 80s and 90s, just seeing these images of two men, one slightly more effeminate than the other, holding babies in a family photo together is just slightly jarring for me. I'm just trying to process simple shit. Like how do two fathers demonstrate how a husband should treat a wife for their daughters sake? Nobody can love a child LIKE a mother. Does that loss of that specific type of affection affect a child's development? Just my initial thoughts. I think sexuality should be private and personal and shared between two consenting adults. The LGBTQ+ movement is a political one established to protect white homosexuals. I identify as same gender loving and I think this push to have "gay" rights was not designed for us. There's another agenda that lies beneath the flag, the language, the "pride", and the parades. White gay men seem to adopt more black kids than most other groups. Why is that? We have to examine some things. I would be nothing without my mother and my father raising me. I think it's unfair to these children to force them to be raised in an added layer of confusion just to satisfy some need to normalize one's sexual orientation or make a political statement. ‍
  4. acessential

    Squad Leader Best Thread Creator The 1000 Daps Club

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Yeah bruh, let me unpack this comment. Having children is not a political statement. We're having kids because we wanted them. You're entitled to your feelings. But you also have to realize that your perception of what is "normal" and what causes "confusion" are based on socially constructed societal standards. If you do your research, you'll find that children raised by same-sex couples fair just as well, if not better, than children raised by straight couples. Just because you couldn't imagine not being raised by your mother and father, does not mean it's the same for everyone else. You adapt to your reality. Kids are not immediately born with the same values and societal molding that adults have. If a child grows up with two dads, that becomes their normal. The problem isn't with the child's family in itself. It's societal prejudice.

    Asking questions like "how do two fathers teach a child how a husband treats a wife for their daughter's sake?" completely misses the mark that anybody should be able to teach anybody the basic tenets of love and respect. It also misses the fact that we don't live in a bubble. They'll have straight grandparents, aunties, uncles, and cousins like everyone else. It also ignores the fact that the daughter could also be gay. These sound like conservative, fundemental, family-values, based anti-gay arguments.

    Straight couples flaunt their sexuality even more than most gay couples.

    And finally, if you dig slightly deeper you'll realize that the foster care system is a reflection of problems with systemic racism. Black children. Specifically black boys are more likely to be in foster care than any other groups. They're also the least likely to be adopted. And a lot of gay couples are willing to adopt them. So there's your answer.

    There's no agenda. Agenda to do what exactly? Bringing kids into the world for an agenda just sounds exhausting.
  5. Jaibrokeraine

    Jaibrokeraine Lurker

    Sep 4, 2020
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    Antigua and Barbuda
    It's complicated
    Thanks for sharing your perspective. For some reason I’ve always wanted to get married and raise a family but it’s still not legal in my country.
    acessential dapped this.
  6. acessential

    Squad Leader Best Thread Creator The 1000 Daps Club

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Yeah. Being gay/bi/queer/sgl is not easy in most places. It's only been a few years here in the states where something like this has been possible. No matter how things progress, I hope you find your happiness. Good luck to you!
  7. Juan-Carlos

    Juan-Carlos Opps are dealt with by a savage Thanos snap. HNY
    The 100 Daps Club Supporter

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Is there a status update you can share on your parental journey with surrogacy?
    acessential dapped this.
  8. acessential

    Squad Leader Best Thread Creator The 1000 Daps Club

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Literally on baby watch right now as I type this. We drove down to where our surrogate is and are just waiting it out. She's dilated a bit and effaced, has lost her mucus plug, and is having more frequent contractions. We're expecting the twins any moment now. But Tuesday at the latest since that's when they'll induce her if she hasn't given birth yet. Very excited!
    Juan-Carlos dapped this.
  9. Juan-Carlos

    Juan-Carlos Opps are dealt with by a savage Thanos snap. HNY
    The 100 Daps Club Supporter

    Sep 7, 2015
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    That's awesome. I am sure that you and your partner are anxious about welcoming and receiving the twins and becoming a family . Thanks for your share. I thought about you and had to ask nonintrusively.
    acessential dapped this.
  10. acessential

    Squad Leader Best Thread Creator The 1000 Daps Club

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Thank you brother. They arrived last night. Happiness doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now.
    Sean P and Juan-Carlos dapped this.
  11. Juan-Carlos

    Juan-Carlos Opps are dealt with by a savage Thanos snap. HNY
    The 100 Daps Club Supporter

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Congratulations yo. Cigars all around and a toast to the new additions to your family.
    acessential dapped this.
  12. acessential

    Squad Leader Best Thread Creator The 1000 Daps Club

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Thanks fam!
    Juan-Carlos dapped this.
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