Best Posts in Thread: WATCH: ZERO (...Interest In Black Love)

  1. Comment Imported From Main Site

    Sep 26, 2015
    Daps Received:
    I am sick and tired of the narrative that somehow someone WHITE has to be included in a movie for cross over ‘sales’ This movie is conveniently promoting inter-racial relationships and using it as an excuse to include white cast members. I guess its their money so they have a right to cast who they want but on the flip side it can also be seen as using black people to integrate in their otherwise All So White movie to reap the coins from the black community. This is Cultural Appropriation 101 and sadly our people are so hungry for work and don’t want to be seen as ‘uncooperative”, they fall right into the White Supremacist trap.

    I am not surprised. As I said before, its their money. What would have been a No Deal for me is to know that the movie had black producers and still cast a white lead…That would have been the ultimate betrayal of our people, our culture, our ancestors and our sovereignty as a race.