Where Is the White LGBT Media on This Issue?
On June 17th 2015, suspected gunman Dylann Roof walked into a historical black church in South Carolina. It’s reported that after the bible study ended, he shot and killed 9 church members. It’s also being reported that he allowed a parishioner to live so they…
Opinion: Five Things That Are Right About This Picture
Rachel Dolezal, former Spokane, Washington NAACP chapter President, has been the talk of discussions across social media outlets to political think-tank blogs. In summation, Dolezal has lived the past ten years of her life as a black woman- getting a graduate degree from an HBCU…
GOP Presidential Candidate Ben Carson: Prisons Prove Being Gay is a Choice
Finally! I finally have an explanation for why I’m Gay! Thanks to Republican Presidential candidate Ben Carson (who’s also a retired neurosurgeon) I now know that being gay has been a choice I apparently made while in prison as a child!
FOUND: Black Panther Party Founder Huey Newton’s Surprising 45-Year-Old Pro-Gay Speech
Nearly 45 years later, this surprising Huey Newton speech on Women’s Liberation and the Gay Movement still resonates now more than ever. The founder of the Black Panther Party gave spoke these words on August 15th, 1970, just a year after the infamous Stonewall Riots in New York City between Gays and the Police.
DEAR BLACK PEOPLE: Being Gay (or a Prancing Elite) is NOT Contagious!
Here on Cypher Avenue we often get into long discussions on being masculine and homosexual in a gay niche culture that celebrates femininity. Over the years we’ve been very good about removing hate speech directed towards effeminate men and scolding the offenders. That doesn’t mean…
That 2015 Chevy Super Bowl Commercial Was Sexist Towards Men
In the mist of all the pro feminist commercials that aired during the 2015 Super Bowl game, a commercial that aired early on took me by surprise. Not because of its “I’m woman, hear me roar” message but because of it’s “who is the better…
A Different Take on American Sniper and the Chris Kyle Controversy
Bill Mahar spoke critical of Chris Kyle and the film American Sniper on his HBO show Real Time. He stated: “I read some of the quotes from the real Chris Kyle. He said, ‘I hate the damn savages’ (talking about the Iraqis) ‘and I’ve been…
But White People Do It Too
We do know that homophobia and intolerance exist in the black community right?…right. However I feel that whenever there is media coverage or a high trafficked article pertaining to this topic, the knee jerk response from many black people is “but white people do it…
From The Inside: An Interview with a Georgia Correctional Officer
Due to the nature and subject matter, the interviewee had reservations. It wasn’t just because he didn’t want to put his new job in jeopardy but he also didn’t want to jeopardize his personal safety and well-being while on the job. Frankly, he didn’t want to be viewed as…
GQ Article Discusses Male Sexual Assaults and Rape In The Military
Due to many misconceptions and preconceived notions by groups and mass media, it may be hard to believe that based on some statistics, men are sexuality assaulted at a higher rate and with more frequency than woman. Male sexual assaults and rapes are vastly under…
America’s First Openly Gay Imam Talks About His First Love
An imam is a leadership position within the Islamic faith. It is most commonly found in the context of a leader of worship in a mosque. Imam may also be used in the form of a title for renowned Muslim scholars. Meet America’s first openly…
Michael Sam, First Openly Gay Player Drafted Into The NFL, Cut By The St Louis Rams
ESPN reports that the St Louis Rams have released Michael Sam from the team for failing to make the cut in its 53 man roster.
Derek J’s Upcoming “Masculine VS Feminine” Debate in Atlanta
Hair stylist and flamboyant gaylebrity Derek J has announced that he’s organizing a public debate on Masculine and Feminine men
When The Media Treats White Suspects And Killers Better Than Black Victims
We’re currently witnessing a media firestorm as it relates to coverage of the shooting of Michael Brown, the subsequent protests and unrest. What we are also witnessing is a tradition by elements in the mainstream media that blames black male victims for their untimely deaths…
Mainstream Media Angry and Demands Retest for Ebola at New York Hospital
After the negative test results were made public concerning a patient at New York Hospital feared to have Ebola, the Mainstream Media is up in arms. Local reporter Terry Fied of HLNO news station 46 stated, “It saddened me to learn that the patient we…
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