
No Shade director Sean Anthony helms the very first Music Video by openly gay rap artist, Bry’nt. The release of the song “Keep the Streets” also marks the official return to Hip Hop music by the artist after a 3-year hiatus. During this break the attractive gay rapper tried his hand at modeling and acting, making appearances in the film and web series “Finding Me” as well as a brief stint hosting Derrick L. Brigg’s ADTV.

Believe it or not, Bry’Nt indirectly inspired the creation of Cypher Avenue. It was 4 years ago that I searched online to find black gay films and stumbled on a result stating that “Out gay rapper” Bry’Nt had been cast in an upcoming indie film.

“Out gay rapper?!” I said to myself. “But Wendy Williams is still on her witch hunt looking for the Gay Rapper. How can one already exist?”

A few Google searches later led me to Bry’Nt, Lasto, DJ Baker’s Doo Dirty Show and many more gay websites, podcasts and media personalities. Although they were black and gay like myself, I couldn’t really relate to most of what I discovered. So 2-years later I approached Ocky Williams about starting our own blog and the rest is history.

It all started with Bry’Nt’s hustle. That’s really what it comes down to in my view of Bry’Nt. I may not be a huge fan of his work, but I can’t deny he’s got no shortage of good looks, talent, drive and hustle. Here, 4-years-later, he’s still making his mark earning his place as one of the more famous out gay men of color in the game.

Check out his first official music video below:
