Q & A with Urban Legend Dikksukka

Discussion in 'Sex and Adult' started by Juan-Carlos, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. Juan-Carlos

    Juan-Carlos Opps are dealt with by a savage Thanos snap. HNY
    The 100 Daps Club Supporter

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Juan-Carlos has contributed many posts over the years to Cypher Avenue for which we have always been appreciative. He closed out 2019 with a surprise submission that reminded me of one of his first submissions 7 years ago . This time around he has a Q & A with a gentlemen that some of you may be familiar with. I know I’ve watched many of this gentlemen’s voyeuristic ‘hidden cam’ videos over the years with passing questions in my mind about the producer and his participants. Interestingly enough Juan-Carlos was able to get answers to those questions and a few I hadn’t thought of.

    *** ***** ***​

    I’m closing out my fetish article series and 2019 with an authentic interview that took three months in the making to procure. For the porn viewer, user, aficionado, I present….. Dikksukka.

    I learned of Dikksukka’s vids years ago while exploring Pornhub. The video’s premise was a simple one showing a hookup between two consenting men while only one knew of the filming. The fetish element is a No. 2 combo. There’s voyeurism (watching others naked or having sex) and role-play (acting out a sexual fantasy with a partner). This has all the makings of a suspenseful thriller. You have a chance meeting with a stranger, a taboo encounter waxing with excitement and wanes with an explosive finish of carnal pleasure.

    Despite subjective opinion, he has over 8.6k subscribers and over 100 clips, teasers, and vids on his Xtube channel. I thought his story is of value if not wholly fascinating. Perhaps you will agree, disagree or draw your conclusion.

    I present my Q & A with the Urban Legend himself……Diksukka.

    Q1) What motivated you to consider filming your scenes? I like the idea of the scene’s set up is like a “hookup” situation with a stranger.

    A1) The inner whore in me. I accidentally filmed a guy in 2008 whose dick I was sucking and was turned on by his body jerking and his obliviousness of the camera. That made me want to see more guys (the ones that I hook up with) and their authentic reaction to my dome skills.

    Q2) How do you meet or choose the men that are featured in each scene and do they know that they are being filmed? That is another element that is hot for I assume that all if not most are DL.

    A2) The guys choose me. No one knows the camera is going which is why I don’t show their faces. Over the years, guys who love my vids have asked to be in them. So, if it’s one of those guys, then, of course, they know of the camera. I honestly don’t get turned on as much when a guy knows there’s a camera going because it detracts from the authenticity of the video.

    Q3) What city/area are most of the scenes are filmed especially the utility room scene?

    A3) Not gonna say. I’m on the east coast so the vids are filmed from NY down the eastern corridor to FL.

    Q4) Did you ever have a scene go unexpectedly left in the worst way for an example like he changed his mind last minute, expected money (hustler), or got caught recording?

    A4) Yes, not caught like he found the camera but gone awry in the sense the guy was a mental case and pushed me forcibly to the ground and threatened me with bodily harm. I was also robbed of $10 or $20 by another guy who was preying on prostitutes to rob. Those have been my worst experiences to date which are not that bad considering how frequently I meet strangers. [And] not as bad as some horror stories I’ve heard from other free spirits.

    Q5) What was your hottest or favorite hookup or scene?

    A5) My two are titled, “Hottest Boy This Spring” and another vid I lost track of. It was part of a “Hot & Horny” combo, but I don’t remember the name.

    Q6) I know keeping your identity secret is personal while filming and you extend that courtesy by blurring the face of your partner in each scene. Has someone who you’ve hooked up with within a scene ever seen themselves online and if so, how did they respond or react with you?

    A6) Yes, I have had a handful of guys I’ve had to tell me they saw themselves online with me. I’ve had some guy troll the area I’ve met them in and threaten me (only to follow behind me and make me another video…LOL). I’ve had other guys follow me (to the cam ready utility room) only to stop before entering where they know I’ve filmed us before and insist on a different suck spot. [And], unfortunately, I’ve had a guy tell me that I was the cause of his relationship ending because his boyfriend recognized his dick and voice in the video.

    Q7) Being an avant-garde entrepreneur, is there another project in the works and how long would you consider in continuing the “Diksukka” series?

    A7) Yes, the other project is years in the making. I’d say the “Diksukka” series is over. I haven’t posted in years and the website ( www.diksukka.biz ) I once had is no longer around. I might post more diksukka vids in the future as I have so many more vids that haven’t been posted. But, as for now, it’s over. There will be occasional specials in years to “cum”.

    Q8) Has anyone ever recognized you or discovered your alter ego and if so, what happened?

    A8) Yes, LOL, actually, my best friend’s boyfriend. It was awkward. My best friend, who is like a brother to me, didn’t appreciate his boyfriend approaching me on some… “I like your videos” type shit. The boyfriend stopped. However, when my response wasn’t positive, he and my best friend continued their relationship until it ended. I don’t believe I was the reason for their relationship ending. But, I am aware my best friend didn’t like the fact that his boyfriend was a fan.

    Q9) I know monetizing your work maximally is the goal for the endgame is making $$$. Is it a
    challenge to do so on the porn sites and how do you keep your work and postings proprietary?

    A9) I’d say it was the focus when I first started (making money), but now, I don’t care. Proprietary in this day and age is very difficult. My premium videos can be downloaded for free off of several porn sites. Once upon a time, I’d fight and contact all of the porn sites like Xtube and Xvideos.com to remove my vids from a user’s profile because of copyright infringement. Nowadays, I just appreciate the love.

    Q10) Sexual health is of everyone’s concern and responsibility. In your videos, you always have your partner use a condom. Have you ever been exposed to any other STIs from performing oral pre-condom?

    A10) To my knowledge, I’ve never had an STD or STI. I am, as of today, HIV negative and have no STIs I know of. One thing I always have in my pocket is Listerine. I gurgle until it burns my mouth after every suck. I rarely am anally penetrated without a condom. So, I’m sure these practices have kept me from contracting sexually transmitted diseases and infections. [With], that said, I’ve gotten weak and have allowed guys to penetrate me raw. I’ve always felt guilty and paranoid about catching something after each shag. I get checked monthly at free clinics and have no problem telling the workers at the clinic that I’ve been exposed to STDs so I can get a penicillin shot. [And], yes, I have had sex (sucked dick) of men who are HIV positive. It is not a regular occurrence, but it is something I’ve done in the past when I was caught up.

    Q11) Have you ever tried or considered to maintain a regular and or dating “relationship” with anyone you have hooked up with?

    A11) No, men are generally dogs and I don’t mean that condescendingly. I just understand how men operate in general. [With], that understanding, coupled with my thirst for multiple and new dicks does not make well for relationships. So, no regular relationships for me. I’ve fantasized about some of the guys who are my regulars, but they’re either with some chick or got multiple baby mamas who be in their men’s phones. So, no, I’ll stay single.

    Q12) Have you ever hooked up with a celebrity knowingly or unknowingly and if so what can you share as a blind item without outing them?

    A12) Yes, 3 or 4…knowingly. One is a Jersey native and has a big dick. That’s all I’m giving away. The other 3 had nice dicks and are not originally from the NYC area.

    Q13) Now, a personal question from me, if you don’t mind to oblige? The hottest scene if yours is when you were with this guy with a red fitted, athletic build, and a nice piece on him. I imagine him being sexy af with a mean swagg. What can you share about how you met and set up that hookup?

    A13) I wonder if you’re talking about the vid, “Hottest Boy This Spring?

    Q13) Yes, that is the one and he is mos def memorable.

    A13) This is pretty accurate and exactly how I remember and I was in heaven. I see this dude walking home from a BBQ and I say to myself, “I gotta have him.” I don’t know what it was and I usually don’t ever approach but I made it a point of catching up to him as he was walking. When I was close enough, I sorta zipped in front of him with only the cutest booty jeans on. LMAO. I’m so dumb but he was so phine. Okay, so now I sound like I’m back in school. So, as I smiled and looked back he smirked and said,” Wassup with that?” I was like, “Huh?” like I didn’t know what he meant. I was like with what….this (pointing and cupping my booty in my hands)? He said that I was wild and started to follow me into a cut. I eyed quick fast as he was following me. I looked behind myself because I love to see dudes following me and getting hot from looking at my assets. LOL. As he was following me, he was grabbing his dik through his jeans. Damn! So, without any hesitation, I moved his hand away once we were in some people’s driveway and grabbed his Right guard can of a dik myself. Oh, my Jesus, I’ve gone to heaven”. Falling to my knees, I did some suk-dik combo on his pipe and all I heard was him moaning and panting like he’d been expecting me. The funniest thing is when I spotted dude, I was with my friend and we were about to jump on the train. [And] when my friend saw me eyeing the dude, he said,” Shit, you better go on and get that.” I’m so glad that I did. So, I tell this phine ass dude to follow me to a better spot and when we arrived, he fucks me like a bitch. LOL I gotta say now that I’m getting fucked more I’m noticing how much of a bitch I really am. I sound like one and for all intents and purposes feel like I become one especially when dudes say,” You’re my bitch, right?” or “This pussy all mine?” Damn, I’m getting hot thinking about it. This was Memorial Day weekend 2010.

    Q13) Hot for sure and he’s mos def my type. I’m not a bottom but oral and jacking definitely.

    A13) Gotcha, he’s a mouthful.

    Q14) I can tell, by his body language, that he is DL or possibly even Bi just by the way he was stroking and where he placed his hands on you.

    A14) Well, I stopped trying to label guys years ago. I don’t know what sexual category he falls into all I know is that he is phine. Most times, when guys are fucking me, are touching my dick and it annoys me but I let him a little and it turned me on. I also remember his sexy voice.

    Q15) Thank you for your time and for obliging me and my questions.

    A15) You got it and thank you, too.

    I salute Diksukka and his bold sharings of his hot sexploits.

    *** ***** ***​

    Cypher Avenue absolutely respects the honesty of Dikksukka and taking the time to reply. We’re also looking forward to what Juan-Carlos will bring us in 2020.
  2. JohnDoe

    The 100 Daps Club

    Jul 2, 2016
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    Not looking
    Curiosity quenched ... lol
    mojoreece, Juan-Carlos and OckyDub dapped this.

    FREEDOM TRAIN Squad Member

    Feb 27, 2016
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    united states
    interesting interview - interestingly he never had a std or sti - you never asked how much does he pay the guys to suck ? - what is he doing now ? does he own his own home ? does his family know what he does for a living ?
  4. Juan-Carlos

    Juan-Carlos Opps are dealt with by a savage Thanos snap. HNY
    The 100 Daps Club Supporter

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Thanks for checking out the article and for your follow up your questions. I can answer a portion . I understand that he doesn't pay the guys. He cruises them for the encounter.
    FREEDOM TRAIN dapped this.

    FREEDOM TRAIN Squad Member

    Feb 27, 2016
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    united states
    So there are still brothers out there that don't want money [ in this day and age ] that will let a random gay dude with a camera let him suck them for no money ? [ sorta hard to believe ]. PLUS , PLUS , PLUS PLUS . From what i understand there are actually 2 guys who go out there as the famous DIKSUKKA , is that TRUE ?
    #5 FREEDOM TRAIN, Feb 5, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
  6. Caliblk

    Caliblk Squad Member

    Mar 17, 2017
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    damn i just want his WHOLE COLLECTION. someone tell him to make a fan account
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