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Teen Ganges: Starring Reggie Yates

As a kid growing up on a council estate, government benefits and negative distractions were a huge part of his childhood. Today, Reggie Yates is a successful TV and radio presenter. He has always believed that with enough hard work and determination, teenagers can escape a life of crime and gangs.

Setting off with the belief that: ‘Everyone has choices in life and no-one is forced to become a criminal just because they are poor,’ Reggie meets people who have been inside some of Britain’s notorious teen gangs. He learns what drives them to join the gangs at a young age, and the challenges some of them now face trying to stay on the straight and narrow.

It is a journey that forces him to question his assumptions, and he begins to understand the powerful role their environments can play. ‘What I’ve seen on the streets these last few months has changed the way I feel,’ he says.

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