Drinks, Life

MiXOLOGY: Tonight We Tanqueray 

Regardless if its kicking back on the weekend or just relaxing after a hard day’s work; there’s always time for Tanqueray.  On the rocks with no chaser might be a little bit to strong for some.  Yes, I do sometimes have extreme tastes.  So below…

Entertainment, Film


This week’s edition of “Kush Trailers” will be a little bit different because it will be top heavy with video game trailers. The PS4 is on the way and we thought we would feature some interesting trailers that caught our eye. The CGI effects, musical score, sound quality and cinematic action in video games get better year after year and those featured below are no exception.

Entertainment, Film

WATCH: Don’t Move 

This is simply a true short horror film at its best. The premise is simple in that there is a spirit or demon that has manifested and feeds off of those who move. The characters have to be still in order for the demon not to sense where they are located. If the demon senses movements, it’s feeding time. I like the creativity and concept within the short that was directed by Anthony Melton, written by David Scullion with cinematography by Jonny Franklin.

Entertainment, Film

WATCH: Mama 

This short inspired the full length feature film of the same name produced by Guillermo del Toro. I was captivated by the cinematography and uneasy suspense presented when the two young girls are standing at the staircase. The creature design and movements of “Mama” are somewhat unique and unsettling. I can understand why this short was picked up and turned into a full length feature film. If you have 3 minutes, set back and enjoy Mama.


LastO, ‘Where’s Vivian’: Track-By-Track Review 

“Where’s Vivian” is a wild, sometimes disjointed, introspective ride that gives you a full lyrical picture of an artist’s growth over the last 4 years…all done out-of-pocket without label support. The album demonstrates that the extended hiatus was actually more than worth the wait. This is not only the best best Hip Hop album from an openly gay rapper, its also one of the best independent Hip Hop albums released in all of 2013.


When Scary Pranks Go Too Far! 

I love pranks, especially scary pranks but I think TV shows in Brazil and in Asia take pranks to a whole new level. From Brazil we got the freaky Ghost in the Elevator prank. From Asia we have the hilarious Dinosaur in the Office and the elaborate Sniper prank. The first two are self-explanatory but the sniper prank is a whole new ball game. I guy goes on a pretend interview in an office with large windows…well you can view the rest for yourself below.