
MiXOLOGY: Blood Orange & Coconut Rum Mojito 

Continuing our Halloween theme, we have incorporated a drink recipe with Blood Oranges. The deep red hue of the blood orange is far darker than your regular orange, thus giving its flesh and juice a deep red color, similar to blood. Of course keeping with our theme what better way to get tipsy while being festive?


Words of Wisdom from Lupe Fiasco 

We here at Cypher Avenue may seem totally confident and secure in our articles and podcasts but we have just as many insecurities and life drama as the next man. We fuck up and make mistakes on a daily basis. We self evaluate and then contradict our previously held positions constantly. We’re evolving, hopefully in a good way.


Halloween Week: The Scary Snowman 

Getting into the Halloween season, here’s another scary prank video where unsuspecting strangers are scared shitless. In this video the frightening terror is…a Snowman. As stupid as that sounds, the pranksters actually do a great good at terrifying tons of people with this seemingly friendly costume.


Real Life Texas Chainsaw Massacre: What Would You Do? 

What if the man in the above photo was chasing you at night in a dark alley….would you freak the fuck out?

This is what prankster Vitaly Zdorovetskiy proposed when he spent a night dressed as Jason Voorhees with a Chainsaw and chased down unsuspecting victims. As frighteningly cruel as this “prank” was, I couldn’t help but laugh at the reaction from people in the video, especially the black ones.