PHOTO BREAK: No One Should Die Because Of Their Sexuality
Mark Carson killed May 18th, 2013 after being targeted for his sexuality.He was only 32 years of age. R.I.P. Mark
PHOTO BREAK: Ugandan Gay Pride
Notable actor and Gay man of color George Takei (Star Trek) posted this photo on his Facebook Page today and I just had to share it here. Given our recent posts on the plight of Homosexual men and women in that country,…
150 Years of Black Male Couples
It can be argued today that, outside of the military, true camaraderie amongst American men of color has dramatically declined over the years. Black American men in particular have created an atmosphere amongst one another where a mere glance is interpreted as either a prelude…
This is a photo of a t-shirt we reblogged on our tumblr page. It was so awesome that it warranted a promotion to being posted here on the main site as well.
PHOTO BREAK: Tameka Raymond’s Wristbands
The “Smh @ This Bitch” Award of Day goes to Usher Raymond’s 40-year-old ex-wife Tameka. Recently she tweeted that Gay men who look Straight should wear wristbands “because it isn’t really fair” to women like her. Then she mentions the clothing these men wear…
PHOTO BREAK: Food For Thought
The “old heads” have their numerous negative views of the youth in regards to masculinity, behavior, style of dress, music, slang, etc…but the one thing we can’t deny is the fact that there are more young people accepting of gays than older people. Case in…
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