John Legend bares all in a new Funny or Die sketch to promote his upcoming album Love In the Future being released on September 3rd, 2013. Anyone who knows me is aware that I’m a huge John Legend stan. His lyrics are etched in cursive on my torso and his smiling face is tattooed on my lower back (hashtag #JustKidding).
Anyway, in the sketch he shows us what an average day is like in the Legend home. This day, thankfully, includes a lot of nudity. As I was watching this, I laughed, was aroused…then I felt a kind of desperation in it all. The sketch seemed counter to his image…Maybe the joke would be funnier if he was kinda known for always taking off his clothes…Maybe I’m over-thinking it.
Nick Delmacy
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When is Childish Gambino going to do this?! Running out of patience.
LOL this was actually good.
I never looked at John Legend in that “sexy” kinda way… but he has potential.. That ass looked good in those cotton lounge pants just before he got naked.
What the hell, why do a video naked and blur out the most important part?
Ever since John Legend dropped his first album in 2003, I’ve had a crush. So sexy, so smooth… I been waiting for this!!! 😉
Oh I enjoyed the hell out of this. But had to turn it off because I can’t watch this at work lol.
Mannnnn…. JL really want somebody to come lock that down! Crazy talented, good sense of humor, adorable, sexy, and an innocence that I’m entirely skeptical of… What more could a man need!?
Yeah since he burst on then scene he has been one of my fave artist ….. He kinda short but he gotna big ole booty!!!!
The video is funny to.
Ok I love John Legend as much as the next guy ( or gay guy lol) but I thought that this was kind of a wack idea to promote his album this way. It doesn’t really seem like his thing. He always seemed like such a smooth guy and this sort of tarnished my image of him. If it was coming from somebody like Trey Songz or Miguel then it would probably be fine lol.
I’m going to start by saying by watching this video I didn’t know there was an album. In my mind there was no censor it was me john and his body. For some reason though I felt it had some genuine parts. It showed this fun party side of john legend somewhat like a homeboy( SB he can be my home boy any day). I enjoyed the video though in all it’s glory! I’ll be buying the album in September, and if it’s like the video I’ll buy the CD from target and music videos. Lol.
I will not say I jacked off in the work breakroom to this. I will not say! LOL #LoveJohn