Here are the hottest, most interesting trailers (for movies, television shows or anything else) that we saw this week.
1. Hard Times (Web Series)
On one hand, I think its great that we have so many independent filmmakers saying “fuck Hollywood” and going straight to the Internet to tell their stories….On the other hand, “Dear Gawd, not another web series!!!! Ugh!!!”
Well, here’s another one. The web series, Hard Times, is about the desperate measures a (heterosexual) personal trainer must endure when he client pool dries up. The concept reminds me a little too much of Spike Lee’s She Hate Me, but it still has promise.
At the very least, I’m praising Jeebus that its not yet another series about 3-4 best friends (or roommates) sharing laughs, cries and their love lives with each other. Again, this seems to be the difference between gay filmmakers and straight filmmakers. The latter seems to think outside of the box more.
2. Gravity (Film)
Science Fiction film set in space? I’m already there with my IMAX 3D Glasses. This joint looks crazy good. Gravity stars George Clooney and Sandra Bullow but from the trailer it looks like the special effects are the main stars of the film. You better believe I’ll be there opening weekend.
3. T.R.A.D.E. It All – Episode 2 (Web Series)
You noticed how the premise for the above web series Hard Times was easily described in one simple sentence? I wish that were the case for the gay web series T.R.A.D.E. It All. We posted the first episode of the show on Cypher Avenue just a few weeks ago but for the life of me I couldn’t tell you what this show is about. Especially not in one sentence.
All I remember is the uninspired Crash type filmmaking where there was a whole lot of random characters and a whole lot of convoluted story lines, none of which seemed to be connected. Remind you of any other black gay web series out there? Anyone?…Anyone? Bueller?
Fortunately, they’re only on the second episode so its not too late the right the ship. Note to the filmmakers: More is not always better. Drama is conflict, CONFLICT! Focus on clearly developing your characters so that we actually care about what happens to them. And for God’s sake, fix your audio. I could barely hear ANYTHING said by the characters in this trailer.
4. Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom (Film)
Idris Elba is quickly becoming one of our most prolific black male leading actors. Its unfortunate that he never got to Denzel Washington status, but he’s definitely found his groove. This Mandela film is so necessary, but it still feels run-of-the-mill.
This reminded me too much of another film starring Idris Elba, Sometimes in April, about the genocide in Rwanda. It looks very TV movie. No “style” put into the filmmaking whatsoever.
Obviously I’ll see this and I’m sure it will be good but it feels like one of the movies you were forced to watch in class during High School than something I can’t wait to experience in the theater.
Nick Delmacy
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Hard Times: I liked it better when it was called Hung and was on HBO. However, it was made by the people that worked on SLOW o it could be good.
Gravity: OMG all of the trailers look effing amazing. I’m there for it…but since most of the movie is about Sandra Bullock floating alone in space I’m nervous about how intereting it will be post crash.
TRADE IT ALL: I’m sorry, I tried with the first one and couldn’t and the name is too obnoxious for me.
Mandela: I don’t do bio pics.