I’m a firm believer that meaningful intelligent nuanced discussion is damn near impossible to have via Twitter or Instagram. Why folk attempt it is beyond me.

Nonetheless; I personally have talked about how one dimensional Black non-heterosexual men are portrayed in media. For the most part, they’re effeminate, flamboyant interracial daters or are in interracial relationships. This in itself is not problematic, but when that is the overwhelmingly dominate image…then it is. 

Nipsey Hussle has come under fire for his posts on IG, some say implying homosexual Black men are not strong. Check out the post that started the ruckus. 


When confronted, he pulls the “Gay Agenda emasculating Black men” card.


Since the IG post, blue bubble vested professional activist DeRay Mckesson challenged Nipsey on his perspective. Hussle clarified and also doubled down on his statements, which I think do have some validity. Mckesson makes some excellent points but being honest, I actually agree with both men. 

Check out the back and forth below and be sure to voice your own perspectives.

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Mckesson: @NipseyHussle’s homophobia is more common than one would hope. In his comments are the idea that to be a gay black man means that one cannot be strong — that strength is elusive to gay black men. How does who I love change my ability to wield and/or challenge power? To many, gay black men are tools, not peers. It’s how homophobia folks can still buy the clothes of gay designers, etc. They are tools, objects to be used for a purpose. But they are not peers, people equally worthy of respect. I’m speaking on this today because I remember being a kid and being surrounded by people who tried to convince us that homophobia was really just love repackaged — that they were just trying to prepare us for the real world, where we’d need to be strong. Homophobia kills, too. I’ve stood in the streets fighting for people who don’t see me as a whole person. And I know that I continue to fight for people with whom I disagree. But I also know that we will never build a community of justice that’s rooted in ideas that kill people. So, let us think about masculinity of men as more than the pathway(s) of the penis. And let us unpack and overcome the homophobia that continues to quietly harm so many. Check your friends and family as they say and do homophobic things. And check-in on your friends.

Nipsey: I used my “platform” to publicize an example of the less represented image of our Men and Boys and “The mainstream media” in the form of anti homophobia gets offended? You know that reinforces my original point bro?

Mckesson: You listed three qualities as equally negative — violent, gay, & abandoner — and as the opposite of strong. What made you assume everyone in the picture was straight? Are you saying that to be against homophobia is to succumb to “the mainstream media”?

Nipsey: I listed 3 quality’s OVER represented in the mainstream media’s narrative of what a Blac man is…point out the 1st lie? 2.i never assumed they were all strait I NOTED THAT THEY WERNT being FRAMED by the MEDIA-(me being the media in this case) as gay. 3. I have no opinion about what a persons sexual preference is that’s they GOD GIVEN right and I’m not God. Now if we can’t AGREE THAT LIFE IMITATES ART and the balanced representation of OUR PEOPLE IS IMPORTANT THEN we will agree to disagree and wish each other the best

Mckesson: I’ve never thought that gay black men were *overrepresented* in the media. But the original point is that gay is not a bad thing, not synonymous with violent/abandoner and not the opposite of strong.

Nipsey: I don’t look down on gay people I love all Gods children foreal. I take issue with the larger agenda.and I’m VERY WELL INFORMED contrary to my appearance. And my conclusion is there’s AN AGENDA…we can go fact for fact and get u some understanding if you’d like. If not God bless.

Mckesson: It’s exhausting to see people defend homophobia with all types of random arguments. I’m hoping that this isn’t a glimpse into the rest of 2018.