Prancing Elites I contemplated on doing a review for the reality show The Prancing Elites Project. My struggles were not because Cypher Ave is a masculine leaning website but because my biases towards reality television and the predictable direction of the shows. The Prancing Elites Project was no exception.

The Prancing Elites Project follows a group of J-Setters from Mobile, Alabama. Adrian Clemons, Kentrell Collins, Kareem Davis, Jerel Maddox, and Timothy Smith must overcome anti-gay and transgender rejections to showcase their talents. The Prancing Elites simply want to dance. This show is perfect for highlighting how to be true to one’s self regardless of what stones society is throwing your way.

The Prancing Elites

As I watched, I could only think how inspirational certain moments of this show is for effeminate leaning gay, non-gender conforming boys, men and transgenders. I truly feel the Prancing Elites are very brave as it relates to some of the circumstances that happened on camera. I can only imagine the hateful experiences they may have endured when the cameras were not rolling.

Being screamed at by total strangers and told they are going to hell, or being booed and frankly told “you don’t belong here” all because they’re different. Cast member Jerel Maddox, even had to endure his home being set on fire and his belongings burned. At the end of the day, all they want to is be themselves and dance.

Because of who they are, they stand out. Yes they are effeminate and flamboyant, as many gay and non-gender conforming men are; however they are seeking attention and the spot light so they can gain more recognition and therefore be hired to perform…so I get it.

So what’s my problem? Once I got to episode five, I noticed a trend within the episodes.

*A problem would be presented (they want to dance in a parade or some event).
*The group would talk about the “crisis” and how they will handle it (“bitches we gonna dance in this here parade”).
*They may not overcome the presented crisis but would still prance anyway.
*An individual or a group would show their support as if to say “see everybody is not intolerant to you gays”; hugs, tears and roll the credits.

Yes I’m simplifying but not by much. I found myself being bored and just going through the motions. I then realized out of five shows, I’d only laughed about three times over some of the cast member’s antics. This brings me to another issue. I didn’t feel the show properly mixed comedy and drama. Many times, I felt like on one hand you want me to feel empathy (which I did) but seconds later, you want me to laugh.

On a personal note, this show did put in perspective possible hardships that some effeminate men may have to face on a daily basis due to merely being feminine. Even though masculine gay and bisexual men have strife and struggles; many of us do have a benefit of just blending in.

Regardless if I liked the show or not, I’m still rooting for The Prancing Elites and absolutely wish them much success.


Cypher Avenue Rating: 2.5 of 5