Here’s How Much Models Make To Film Bareback Black Gay Porn…Is It Worth It?
Not to judge the men who do porn, however I’ve always wondered exactly how much these men get paid to appear in studio porn, especially the porn that features bareback and raw sex.
WATCH: Documentary Trailer “I’m A Porn Star: Gay4Pay”
Why would Gay men want to watch Straight men pretend to have Gay sex when most times it looks fake, dispassionate and forced?
How Big Is Big Enough?
Cypher Ave co-founder Nick Delmacy sent me a link to a podcast he wanted me to listen to. This was a podcast featuring three gay men discussing a multitude of pop culture topics. The reason he forwarded me the podcast cast was because Cypher Avenue…
The Most Important Gay Adult Film Ever Made?
Even though I know there are many other dynamics at play, I do think that condomless adult film and the glorification of “breeding” is a contributing factor to the ridiculously high HIV infection rates amongst young black gay males.
My Travels Through CYBERSPACE: Google Insight Tells All?
Message to both the none United States and United States viewers. Here in the United States there exist this thing called the “Bible Belt”. The Bible Belt consist of southern states whose population predominantly identifies themselves as Conservative Christian Republicans OR just Conservative Christians. A…
Porn Star Update: Brian “Scorpion” Stinger
I’ll go on record and admit that I’m somewhat of a porn aficionado. I’m unapologetic about that. Straight or Gay, when it comes to smut featuring people of color, I’m pretty knowledgeable on the subject. So I was pretty intrigued when I stumbled upon…
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