UFC and MMA legend Anderson Silva has addressed the rumors surrounding his sexuality. Apparently addressing rumors and reveling one’s sexuality it not the same thing. In an interview with the Brazilian lifestyle magazine Trip; Silva talks about racism, police brutality and homosexuality but the comments about his sexuality is what had me scratching my head. Excerpts from the interview:
My brothers had a Jackson 5 crew. And my friends and I would always watch them practice. Then we decided to start our own dance crew. We’d get together in garage at home, coming up with these choreographies. When there were parties, we’d go off dancing.
[About ballet]
I have been a dancer. Not anymore.
Man, what a phase. At first I didn’t like it, no. It was punishment. No friend of mine did it. Me doing ballet? Hello? It wasn’t very cool. My friends would all go like, “ah, little girl, little lady.” And add that to my high-pitched voice—I was bullied a lot.
But I started to like ballet. And my aunt also put me in tap-dancing lessons. I’m thankful to her because it helped me a lot in fighting. Evander Holyfield practiced ballet. It’s got nothing to do with that, you know. If you want do ballet, you do ballet. You want to fence, you fence. You want to be gay, be gay, it’s all right. You respect people’s spaces, they respect yours, it’s all right.
On prejudice towards homosexuals in mixed martial arts:
I don’t think there’s prejudice, but there’s a lot of homosexuals in mixed martial arts. There are a lot of them who haven’t yet come out.
[If they were to come out,] nowadays it’s so silly to not express your feelings. As long as you respect people’s spaces, and respect their limits. You have to live your life in peace and no one has anything to do with that.
I would train with a gay man. As long as he respected me, it’s all right. I don’t think much of it. The fact that guy is gay doesn’t mean he’s going to accost you. He can be gay, have a relationship, live among guys who aren’t gay. He can do whatever he wants with his private life.
On vanity and getting picked on in the gym:
They tease me. Sometimes people think I’m gay. A lot of people have asked me if I’m gay. I answer, “Look, not to my knowledge. But I’m still young, it could be that in the future I’ll find out that I’m gay. I take good care of my things, I put everything in a bag, I use soap, I put on a cream after training. People think it’s capricious. To each his own. Doesn’t mean you’re more man or less man, more gay or less gay.
Say what now?
“Look, not to my knowledge. But I’m still young, it could be that in the future I’ll find out that I’m gay.”
So Silva, a 39 year old married father of 5 doesn’t know if he is gay yet? Is he saying that if he just so happens to have a sexual encounter with another man, then at that time he will know if he is (or at least bisexual) or not? Either way Silva, you still a cool dude.
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Maybe that quote was just to spark controversy? I really don’t understand what he could have meant by that.
Umm???? What? I don’t know what to think of this. I guess he really did just say that to throw people off.
I’ve always felt that sexuality should be a private matter. People have a notion to but everyone in boxes where not everyone always fits. Maybe he’s just opened-minded (or bi lol).
I also not really sure what he saw trying to say at the end, there being Open and supporting gays. But that last quote was kinda odd.
but I thought it was a good interview and MMA is touch, and unlike so many other sports when they interview the athlete, and the athlete says… there no gays because their sports too hard and touch. MMA is fighting and kicking another dudes ass, now can it get more Toucher then that and he saying in his interviews there gay men all in it. (out and DL)
It’s an individual sport like tennis, swimming, gymnastics. It’s easier to be gay/out in that case. No one is dependent upon you to play.
No teamwork makes the gay work.
I found him to be scacastic and poking fun at at people asking him what he considers a stupid question.
I am glad I am not the only one that is confused just like this guy. But it keeping him relevant I guess.
Maybe he sincerely doesn’t know…some guys don’t get a clear grasp of their sexuality until much later in life (even after a marriage and some kids).
Maybe he has deep sub conscious thoughts of one day being with another male, but it has not happened yet and he is not completely sure…
Does it really matter? So, he isn’t choosen a label. He is open minded and comfortable with who he is..and where he is.
I came out many years ago…then found that the label was very limiting. So not being definitive about his sexual orientation does not mean he is confused.
So @BlackGayExecutive..just live your life and be happy. Don’t let anyone pressure you into assigning yourself to a category. Just love whomever you choose to love.