Cypher Ave Originals, Interviews, Podcasts

CA Podcast #17 – The DL Chronicles Interview, Black Gay Film, Freefall, Interracial Dating! 

In this podcast, Cypher Avenue founders Ocky Williams & Nick Delmacy Interview the creators of “The D.L. Chronicles: Episode Thomas” Deondray and Quincy Gossfield. They have a frank & honest discussion about their film, black gay cinema, amateur gay web series like Freefall and Drama Queenz, gay financial support, interracial dating and much more!


The Anti-Gay Wedding Cake Debauchery 

Recently the Civil Rights Commission in Colorado ruled to uphold a judge’s finding that a baker could not discriminate against a gay couple who wanted a wedding cake made.  “I can believe anything I want, but if I’m going to do business here, I’d ought…


Richard Sherman Gets the Madden 15 Cover 

Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman will grace the cover of Madden 15. “Winning the cover is a kid’s dream come true,” Sherman said.  Fans had an opportunity to vote at ESPN between finalist Sherman and Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton. Sherman becomes the second Seahawks…


Another Side Of Masculinity 

Many feminist of all genders and orientations use masculinity and misogyny almost interchangeably. As if one can’t exist without the other. While some gay feminist view masculinity as a materialistic accessory with no real value or meaning, others gays want masculinity redefined so whatever new…