Brehs, we present to you a new episode of the CYPHER AVENUE PODCAST where you’ll hear us give updates, engage in heated topic debates, interviewing interesting homosexual men of color and us verbally adding on to the articles posted on the website.
The episodes will be available in four ways: You can listen to them on the site, watch on YouTube, download a MP3 version or subscribe to us on iTunes for automatic updates!
In this podcast, Cypher Avenue founders Ocky Williams & Nick Delmacy Interview the creators of “The D.L. Chronicles: Episode Thomas” Deondray and Quincy Gossfield. They have a frank & honest discussion about their film released on VIMEO ON-DEMAND (, black gay cinema, amateur gay web series like Freefall and Drama Queenz, gay financial support, interracial dating and much more!
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It’s nearly 2 hours man!
Really enjoying the podcast! I would love to see more of these, the topics are really interesting (and it gives me something to listen to while I’m at work).
Are there spoilers in this podcast? For example, I haven’t seen the new DL Chronicles yet.
No Spoilers.
Oh man, why did ya’ll have them shade Freefall like that? Don’t ya’ll know this season is mission mainstream for Freefall?
This was a really good interview and conversation. Mos Def better than our first…and it was fun. Props to these two.
Many props to these two! On 1 hand, I hope our community steps up the support for them and their product, but I also hope they realize how many of us out here are willing to pay MUCH more than 2.99 for some quality product. Shit, I’d require at least $20 if sum1 asked me to watch another episode of Freefall…
I really enjoyed this episode a lot more than I thought I would considering the length but you guys basically covered everything in such an engaging way that the i actually wished it was longer.great job guys!
That was a really good interview. I’m not sure if this service already exists, but if it doesn’t, someone should invest in making it possible to donate to funding campaigns just by texting to a certain number and the donation will be billed to your cell phone carrier.
For instance, when I donated to the Red Cross a while ago, I just sent a text to a 5 digit number, and $10 showed up on my Verizon Wireless bill the next month. We all know black people are going to have a phone, so this might be one of the better ways to get them to donate more.
Very good interview guys!
“The Gosfields” gave an excellent class on Film/TV distribution and what not to do! Very valuable information!
You know that a new private message will be coming soon regarding this podcast @nick and @ocky.
I promise it won’t be long! 🙂