Shout Out to Tiffany & Co on the Diversity
RING UPDATE #1: No, I’m not getting married. Likely never, although I’m open to it but I love my independence. Within the last couple months, however, I’ve started my journey on becoming an unmarried guy that wears rings as accessories. I’m an artist so I’m…
No Pets Allowed: Day 2 – FUK THIS CAT
To read No Pets Allowed: Day 1 click here. After being on high alert all night (really all morning) and not being able to get sleep due to my concerns for Lil Kitty McStinky; it was time to come up with a game plan for…
No Pets Allowed: Day 1
That morning I heard faint sounds coming from underneath a compartment in my boat. I automatically knew what was making the sounds; kittens. I opened the hatch and saw two dirty gray kittens. One was very loud and active while the other was curled up…
Does This Picture Offend You?
Readers know I’m very open and honest. Am I offended by this picture?…No. Am I a little bothered?…Yes. Probably not for the reasons you may think. I should expound just a little…I’m slightly bothered. The reason is not because the dads are gay. Not because…
Question Of The Week: My Pockets are Stacked but His are Wack
Ken and Sam just recently got married after dating for 3 years. Sam is a corporate executive and makes over $200,000 a year. Ken was working at a warehouse making $38,000 a year but due to an on the job injury, he is no longer…
CA Podcast #42 – The “Black Lives Matter” Episode
In this podcast, hosts Octavius Williams and Nick Delmacy argue about #BlackLivesMatter, Black on Black Crime, Messy Gays Celebrating Gay Couples Getting Divorced, The Irony In Lesbians Booking Chris Brown for Black Gay Pride and Cypher Avenue’s New Social Networking Site, The Boards.
These Facebook Comments Prove That Black Homophobia is Just Like White Racism
When the Supreme Court of the United States’ recent Obergefell v. Hodges decision made Same Sex Marriage legal in the entire country, many Gay and Bisexual men of color discovered through social media that some of their “liberal” black friends were not as tolerant as they once thought. Some were outright intolerant bigots…similar to Confederate flag waving white racists.
CA Podcast #35 – SCOTUS LOVE: Same Sex Marriage Interview with Phylle & Antoine Carter
In this podcast, Cypher Avenue founder Nick Delmacy discusses the US Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling on Same Sex Marriage with married couple Larry “Phylle” Carter and Antoine Nolan Carter.
CA Podcast #31 – Theyyyy’re Baaaack
In this podcast, Cypher Avenue founders Ocky Williams and Nick Delmacy return after a two-month break to discuss all the topics they missed including: the Baltimore Riots, Kendrick Lamar, Nas’ New Album, Earthtone Mixtape Review, Superhero Fatigue, Gym Thirst, Why Are Sexy Men Still Single, Commercial Break, HIV Scheming, The success of EMPIRE and FREEFALL, SCOTUS Gay Marriage and The Disappearance of Jason Collins, Frank Ocean, Derrick Gordon and Michael Sam.
WATCH: Singer Larry ‘Phylle’ Carter Releases The First Gay Wedding Anthem “I Love Him”
Bearing a striking sonic resemblance to Chris Brown on this song, Carter does an impressive job at producing a quality future anthem for Gay Weddings everywhere, regardless of race. You can’t help but listen to this track and imagine it being played as the grooms are dancing or the cake is being cut.
What Young People of Color Think about the LGBT Agenda
In a recent post Internet Perusing by a Jaded Gay Negro, I mentioned the fact that when I visit mainstream LGBT websites; I don’t see many people of color and I’m bombarded with Marriage Equality. Put frankly, marriage equality is at the top of the…
Internet Perusing by a Jaded Gay Negro
My internet travels this past week sucked. My typical go to sites feature news, politics, sports, science along with various other interests. Sometimes the mainstreams usual conservative-liberal-racism-shootings-police brutality-war, what some evangelical said, stories can get tiresome. To ease and distract my mind, I try to…
The Anti-Gay Wedding Cake Debauchery
Recently the Civil Rights Commission in Colorado ruled to uphold a judge’s finding that a baker could not discriminate against a gay couple who wanted a wedding cake made. “I can believe anything I want, but if I’m going to do business here, I’d ought…
Stone Cold Steve Austin Supports Gay Marriage
“I don’t give a shit if two guys, two gals, guy-gal, whatever it is, I believe that any human being in America, or any human being in the goddamn world, that wants to be married, and if it’s same-sex, more power to ’em.”
Are The Grammys Biased Towards Gay or Gay Friendly Artists?
Are The Grammy’s Biased Towards Gay or Gay Friendly Artists?
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