Late last year, social media was abuzz after the release of an article on the U.K. based news website, The Guardian. We were all introduced to a rare pair of biological twin brothers, James and Daniel, who were born to interracial parents Alyson and Errol Kelly.
On top of the rarity of being twins, the brothers were born very different from one another. James is Black, outgoing and gay. Daniel is White, shy and straight.
“They were chalk and cheese, right from the word go,” says Alyson. “It was hard to believe they were even brothers, let alone twins.”
While he was distraught and frightened when saying the words, twin brother Daniel laughingly spoke up and said, “So what…We knew that deep down inside. We knew you liked dudes. It’s cool, just don’t tell us about it.” This lightened up the mood and everyone, including his father is fine with it…Up to a point. “He’s still my boy, that’s it really,” father Errol says. “I just won’t have any Kissing and Cuddling around me, basically.”
Nick Delmacy
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Thanx for sharing this story! I found it quite interesting on so many levels. First of all, it showed that not everyone in the UK lives in a dusty one room flat, as indicated on so many of the TV shows that filter over to the USA. This family’s house could’ve easily been in suburban America. Secondly, I was surprised by the fact that it was the “white” twin who was forced by society to struggle with his ethnicity. Here in the good ol’ U.S. of A., it would have, certainly, been the “black” twin constantly fighting to prove to a white world that he belonged there as well. Nice!
I’m sorry but that kid looks like a light skinned black kid. He has fair skin, so there’s not much to this story. Much ado about nothing, because those of us with Black families know that we come in all varying beautiful shades.
Im in the USA and I watched the whole documentary on youtube and found it very interesting but I have to say Daniel is so SEXY!!!!!
Pretty interesting. Not sure if there’s any scientific studies to back it up, but I’d always heard that all twins are either both gay/ bi or at least one of them are. I had to look at my past experience with twins. In school, I’ve known three sets of twins. One of them was either “sus” or overtly gay. I’ve personally messed around with two different guys that were each from a set of twins. One of them told me his twin sister was gay too. But that’s just my experience.
Could be something to it, dude. I know a set of twins just like this set, Puerto Rican, one brown skinned and the other light skinned. One is gay the other, well, was “straight” when I first met them but over the years just…I don’t know man. He spiraled out of control into a “gay” mess. Thing is I never believed he was actually gay, just really messy.