The short film SPORTS tells what happens when your thirsty fem leaning roommate wants to go play basketball with you, just so he can see the guy you’re going to play with take his shirt off.
The short is directed by Kyle Keiger and stars Zach Graves, Eduardo Sanchez-Ubanell and Cody Callahan. While I did chuckle a couple of times and found the short entertaining, I still found it ‘tropey’ that this HAD to be yet another coming out story. That’s really the only complaint because the short is well directed and I can actually hear the audio unlike some other gay short films or web-series productions. Check out the short below.
Octavius is the co-founder and editor of Cypher Avenue. He understands ten (10) years ago is a short-long time.
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OckyDub said:
Cliche and tropey indeed but great production otherwise.
I’m kinda mad at the white guy for being overly pushy. Some of us do need pushes to do things when feeling nervous or anxious (I know my ass has lmao), but the level to which he pressured his friend made me uncomfortable, and I wasn’t even there.
It’d be different if this was a close friend and they had connections outside of just playing ball. Here I don’t feel like being outright with his sexuality was the most important.
Dreamwalker said:
EXACTLY. This gave me a "very special episode" vibe. It was funny though.
You don't need to always state that you are gay in every situation [ clearly this was not one of the situations ].A good bball game is a good bball game. Should the straight guy ask that question , just be honest and then say ; so we're gonna continue to play or what ?. The roommate was too pushy about that. This also looks like another issue , a white guy making sure another white guy isn't trying to takeaway his black stud [ it hints it ]. Well made , but it seems to be a storyline inside a movie about something else. To the writer , lets see a full feature next time. good luck
“I could be straight right?”
“Yeah, sure. You’ve also been checking out my ass all day.”
Priceless. I really enoyed this short.