The writer/director of the breakout 2016 black gay web series “About Him,” Henderson Maddox, has finally embraced his pornographic gay filmmaker destiny by bypassing actors altogether in exchange for porn stars. Starring gay male stripper, escort, porn star Arquez, even the name of his new series, “Climax,” has porn connotations.
The premise for the series isn’t porn-shy either:
Lennox is an aspiring singer who falls into the darkness of male escorting to keep afloat while pursuing his dream.
(My personal thoughts on this web series and many others from 2016 will be revealed in an upcoming essay entitled, “How Did We Get Here: An Open Letter To Black Gay Filmmakers.”)
Episode One of the series is currently available for $2.99 through an On-Demand Vimeo Page HERE.
Nick Delmacy
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Signal23TV = soft-core porn w/ acting. lol.
@Nick Delmacy did you view the episode 1 for $2.99 or did he let you view for free?
They could've chose someone else besides Arquez. I'm so tired of seeing his dick lol
UPDATE after actually watching the trailer:
I liked how they touched on they are touching on the subject of older men paying to watch young fit men have sex and how naive some black young men can be without the proper guidance. BUT the main character (and his nose ring) did not draw me in and he CANNOT sing to me. He sounds like every other gay guy who would sing at my Performing Arts High School and the acting was worse than a Thug Bait porno lol
Am I the only one that read @Nick Delmacy's brief synopsis with complete sass and shade in my head voice?
@BlackguyExecutive we all know @Nick Delmacy is the SHADIEST of them all on the low low! lol.
After watching the trailer…
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"cancel order!" – Donald J. Trump
"Henderson Maddox, has finally embraced his pornographic gay filmmaker destiny by bypassing actors altogether in exchange for porn stars " I died reading this part because this was my first thought exactly! Not trying to trash anyone's dreams but why them? Maybe because of the theme relates to their actual jobs in real life I assume. I think it would have been better to cast these two as friends or supporting actors of someone else as the starring roles. I will still give it a shot but I have a feeling the story line will be overshadowed by the sex.
It actually kind of broke my gay filmmaking heart to see this. I’ll say the first half of About Him actually showed a lot of legitimate filmmaking and story telling promise and then the dicks came out behind a dumpster and it just kind of stayed there. Unfortunately the message to the filmmakers was more dicks=more viewers and it lost me.