

Here’s episode two of the new season of the black gay web series FREEFALL. I really enjoyed the debate that came out of the first episode so we’ll continue our Open Discussion format for this one as well. Please throw in your two-cents in the comments section down below to let us all know what you think of the episode, the show itself or anything related to gay content and the web series format in general.As for myself, I’m not going to review the show but will at least say that this episode shows improvement from the last. Freefall is definitely the best looking gay web series out there, even though they strip all of the perceptible contrast out of the images (which I’m sure is intentional). I’m still confused with the randomness of the story and yet to really feel like I “know” any of the characters (or even like any of them for that matter). But I do see the potential and really appreciate the attempt at something different and straying away from cliches, which is more than we’ve seen from other black gay web series creators.

So let me get the Open Discussion started with a few questions. Freefall and Steel River (sigh) are the only black shows created for the web that are at least trying to tell stories from the POV masculine black gay men. For that reason, do they face increased expectations from people like us at Cypher Avenue given their budget or resources? Does budget even matter when critiquing art or creative works? In what ways does Freefall stand out from the rest? If something like Freefall was on Network Television (with a larger budget) would black gay men actually support it or would it die in the crib like The LA Complex?

Watch the Episode and Debate Away!