Black and Brown People are the Face of HIV in America
Another month and another article to tell us what we already know; HIV is plaguing the Black community. The Washington Post’s article How black Americans became the face of the HIV epidemic provides details with eye catching informative diagrams and charts. Cypher Avenue has asked…
What Young People of Color Think about the LGBT Agenda
In a recent post Internet Perusing by a Jaded Gay Negro, I mentioned the fact that when I visit mainstream LGBT websites; I don’t see many people of color and I’m bombarded with Marriage Equality. Put frankly, marriage equality is at the top of the…
Do Women Bear Responsibility In Some Domestic Violence Situations?
The last time I attempted to have this conversation in an open forum, I was attacked by feminist and ultra-liberal PC police. Instead of having a logical discussion and exchange of thoughts, the response was knee jerk emotional mantras that centered around “violence is never…
Internet Perusing by a Jaded Gay Negro
My internet travels this past week sucked. My typical go to sites feature news, politics, sports, science along with various other interests. Sometimes the mainstreams usual conservative-liberal-racism-shootings-police brutality-war, what some evangelical said, stories can get tiresome. To ease and distract my mind, I try to…
Steven Thrasher’s – How College Wrestling Star “Tiger Mandingo” Became An HIV Scapegoat
The 2012 National Lesbian and Gay journalist of the year Steven Thrasher wrote an interesting piece for BuzzFeed about Tiger Mandingo in which he characterizes him with the term “HIV Scapegoat”. In Mr. Thrasher’s piece, gets a-link-back to an essay Nicholas Delmacy wrote about…
Rapper/Actor Ice T: “Manhood Is Dead…We’re Dealing with the Pussyfication of the Male Sex”
In a recent interview with The Guardian to promote his new album, Manslaughter, rapper Ice T made some very bold statements about manhood and masculinity.
Looking For Friends. Must Be Attractive.
Do we view what we deem unattractive/ugly as being a negative trait and therefor making one unworthy of friendship? Do gay and straight men who require attractiveness in other men secretly want them as sex partners or is there something more?
Our National Chess Champions!
The NBA Championships are over and the World Cup Championship is going strong but I thought I would share with everyone a championship that some may have missed; The United States Chess Federation’s 2014 National K-12 Championship. We always hear negative news as it pertains…
LISTEN: Comedian Donnell Rawlings “My Gay Brother Just Introduced Me To His Baby Daddy!”
Here’s the awesome story Donnell Rawlings told WTF Podcast host Marc Maron about initially finding out his older brother was Gay.
Gay Man Beaten But Was It A Hate Crime?
Making the news cycle is a video of a man who says he was beaten because he was gay. Naturally folks are saying this should be prosecuted as a hate crime. Check out the video below. This fight took place during the Detroit Motor City…
The Anti-Gay Wedding Cake Debauchery
Recently the Civil Rights Commission in Colorado ruled to uphold a judge’s finding that a baker could not discriminate against a gay couple who wanted a wedding cake made. “I can believe anything I want, but if I’m going to do business here, I’d ought…
Colored Killers Need Understanding Too, Right?
Colored Killers Need Understanding Too, Right? Another mass shooting and another mass media faux investigation attempting to answer the question; why and how did this happen? One thing is for sure, if the answer to the question is possible mental illness than you can bet…
Bring Back Our Girls But You Can Kill The Boys
The mainstream media has now become fixated on the horrors committed in Nigeria by the extremist group Boko Haram. The terrorist group kidnapped over 270 girls at gun point on the evening of April the 14th 2014. The school in question had been closed due…
HAPPY EASTER – Enjoy Your Pagan Holiday
Another Easter has come and gone but I must say I enjoyed my sarcastic interaction with a few co-workers last week concerning the holiday. As some of them were leaving for the day, they said, “Enjoy your weekend and Happy Easter”. My reply was “Thank…
The Disappearance Of Flight 19
As the world focuses on the mysteries surrounding Malaysia Flight 370, I’m reminded of another mysterious instance concerning a flight squadron that went missing at sea. The disappearance of Flight 19 in 1945 would help launch the lore of the Bermuda Triangle located off the…
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