Featured, News, Opinion

RANT – The Knock Out Game 

The beast is being well fed. Fox News, Right-Wing media outlets, supremacist leaning organizations and website are having a field day with the latest videos
of black teens gone wild and sucker punching unsuspected innocent bystanders as they peacefully stroll down the street. The victims’ heads often hit the
hard pavement as they lay there motionless. There has been at least one fatality reported as a result of this “game”.


Signs of the Coming Robot Apocalypse – Independent Thinking Drones? 

We now have news that there are already plans in the works to make some drones completely autonomous. Yep…independent, free thinking drones that will have the capabilities to make lethal decisions without pilot influence. This means in the near future these LARs could be patrolling our skies. The acronym LAR stands for “lethal autonomous robot”. Oh sounds sexy. WTF! This is a good idea why?

Featured, News, Opinion

Bisexual Pride Day – Did You Know About It? 

You know, a brutha tries to keep up with certain things regarding sexuality but there is only so much one can learn about everything that happens in this country, let alone the world! Certain social events, such as PRIDE-this or PRIDE-that need better promotion – that is, if the purpose of such events is to get better support, awareness and education among the masses


ON THE STREET: Homosexuality In Africa 

As you know Cypher Avenue is constantly searching the web for interesting subject matter to share with our audience. We came across a video produced by TVC News out of Africa. The video features candid commentary from everyday Africans and their attitudes towards homosexuality. What makes this refreshing is that it is not the usual African video from Uganda filled with hateful speech, outrage, and anger over homosexuality.


Listen To The Sounds Of Interstellar Space 

I have always been fascinated with our universe with all its mysteries and wonders. So like many other space geeks, I was excited to learn that NASA received confirmation that the Voyager 1 Spacecraft has finally reached interstellar space. After 35 years of space flight, Voyager 1 left our solar system around August 25th 2012.

Current News, Cypher Ave Originals, Featured, News

Two Years Later…The Black Gay Bad Boys Still Changing the Game 

This is no big deal to some of you but to us its kind of major because we had NO DESIRE to be gay advocates, representatives or media personalities when we first started blogging. Hell, we still don’t, do be honest. We just saw a void that needed to be filled and stepped up to the challenge. Who knew that some people would feel threatened by that action. But like they say, “you don’t enact change without ruffling a few feathers.”