Not gonna lie. My family is boring as shit.
Well, my immediate family at least. I have a mother, younger brother, older sister and a handful of nephews. When we get together for holidays and birthdays, we have a good time conversing and eating good food. But there’s no alcohol involved, no loud music, no clubbing and no loud laughing.
They’re boring.
And I can confidently say that it ain’t because of me.
I’m the life of my family’s party. I bring alcohol. I bring jokes. I bring dope conversations. I interact with even the shyest and quietest family members…but even then they can only turn up so much. And usually I’m the only one that ends up drinking.
This happened this past thanksgiving. I brought both wine and vodka hoping to get tipsy with my adult siblings while we loud talk and play dominoes as the nephews play amongst themselves…but they both abstained from drinking altogether leaving me to look like the lush.
My aunts, uncles and cousins, on the other hand…they REALLY know how to Party with a capital “P.”
There’s music, there’s beer, there’s liquor, there’s loud screeching laughing from the black women, there’s fellas of all ages enthusiastically arguing about their sports teams and there’s plenty of bad-ass kids running around…so many kids that you don’t know who’s related to whom and if they are even actually related by blood or needing a Maury Povich paternity test to determine legitimacy.
So which way does your family sway?
Is your family really “Huxtable,” respectably discussing current events over an iced cold glass of water?
Or does your family Turn Up more than a Tyler Perry movie?
Nick Delmacy
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Yeah my family is pretty dope…none of my parents drink except for my stepdad and he's a riot…everybody else in my family drinks…when my sister and I get together for family functions though we clown…we get the party started so It would probably be boring if we didn't always initiate it lol
I think I'm more of the boring one lol. My family will turn up and I'll just go to a separate room and watch tv to avoid the usual questions. "Do you have a girlfriend? , How's school?" All the stuff like that.
No, they are boring. The family is based in Christian belief. So, the younger of us have to leave and go amongst each other do something else. I am boring too. I will be the one that has to be talked into getting turned up.
My immediate family is relatively quiet. Both my parents are introverted like me, so we'll talk and joke, but we don't go crazy. My older sisters are the life of the party though. They'll have everyone in stitches. We don't drink as a family. I've only seen my dad drunk once. I was like 10 years old. It was absolutely hilarious. He kept joking about how he was gonna find him a nice 20 year old girlfriend. To this day, he still denies it. lol. So yeah, my family is pretty boring, but I love 'em.
My family is fun but there was a time where someone was going to drop some ratchetness at a family gathering. There was a time where I avoided major holiday dinners because I didn't want to get involved in what ever type of drama was going to unfold, for example, one Thanksgiving my cousin brings who we think is his girlfriend to dinner but it turns out that they secretly got married and were expecting a child. Needless to say, dinner got awkward AF. Other instances were times when my grandma openly asked me if I was a top or bottom at a Christmas dinner. <—I could have died that day. Things are much chiller these days mainly because we all a lot older and are fully engaged in our own lives so when we get together we are truly catching up.
Depends on which side of the family. My dad's side is pretty mild, we have good conversations, laugh and joke around abit…But my mom's side..especially my grandfather's side, looooves to turn up BIG time! We're talking about going all out on food, DJs, alcohol…they had Jell-O shots at my grandad's 70th Birthday party and even he threw back a few lol!
My immediate family is part of the 'act right' lane in the fam but, when i go back home, it's typically a turn up w all my cuzzins. My sis n i always end up footing most of the bill (which is always dumb cheap compared to ny) but since I travel home so infrequently (xmas n maybe 1x plus a year) its always a good time n reminds me of when we were kids all at my gramas for every holiday. N everybody drinks!
We actually got banned from a bar….no comment…
As children my family was closer, but we've all grown apart as becoming adults. My immediate family doesn't do anything "turn up" ish, we tend to be laid-back chill types. My cousins on my mother's side mostly smoke weed which I'm not interested in. I don't know much of anyone on my dad's side.
If alcohol is a requisite for fun then I suppose I've gotten boring, I don't enjoy alcohol as I once did. Plus I don't know anyone who likes to "turn-up". The people I know have had their "parties days" and don't desire that anymore. I've been to house parties but they were more so kick-backs, movie parties, etc than they were "turn-ups".
I guess someone has to be lame…
Eh, very few, if anyone in my family get along with one another so…yeah, they're boring. I don't know much about my dad's side but from what I remember a a kid, they were pretty lame. My moms side is pretty dysfunctional and hardly anyone speaks to each other. I have one uncle that's a f#4kin riot, always laughing, joking, drinks, etc, but everyone else is tame. My mom's aunt and cousins and what not are all "Jeezuhs Freaks" so there's no turnin' up going down there AT ALL. My mom doesn't drink or anything, but she can be pretty funny and lively. Last time we actually got together (my mom, myself, my aunt and uncle and 3 cousins {whom I was madd close with growing up, but now we dont even reach out to each other}, and my "turn up" uncle, was at my aunt and uncle's house like 4yrs ago.
I moved form home about 2 years ago so I have been with other folks family. My family is the loud people up the street playing music until the next morning. It's usually a good time until one of my cousins, drunk of course, starts telling people what they need to do or what somebody owe them. Then a fight ensues and that's the end of the party. lol.
My family doesn't turn up like a Tyler Perry one but we have a good time at gatherings. We all may drink a little wine or have a couple of cocktails, laugh, joke, play games, etc. We're also a lot smaller (most family gatherings are me, my sister, parents, and mom's parents and sisters, none of whom have kids.) The only time I see my dad's side is at funerals or f they come to us (they live in Georgia and Cali.)
No, my family doesn't turn up. My immediate is pretty dull and most of my extended family is also buttoned down. No drinking, partying, or anything like that. There are some individuals in my family's who like to drink(myself included) but as a group the churchy members of my family look down on such behavior.
My mom's fam is pretty tame.No drinking (except for a few who take sips in private),no profanity,nothing.We have fun but they don't get very loose.
Now my dad's folks:franko1: They're like the Jerry Springer audience.Drinks are flowing,profanity is flying across the room,and one time my uncle brought two of his women to the same function.They are a much more entertaining bunch.
Much of my extended family is lively and drinks. My immediate family becomes a bit more lively when around them. My parents are sometimes livelier when interacting with one another than with me. I never got into drinking and am livelier when less guarded around friends. There are a few uncles that will start talking about investments and planning for the future if they can corner you at a gathering, but seem to recognize that they're not topics that much of the group wishes to discuss.
How did "turn up" become a thing? A few years ago, I never heard it, than one night I heard it said on a reality show and, within weeks or months, I was suddenly hearing it all over the place.
Thats how it happens, reality shows say stuff, then they become # on social media, n a new term is born
Lol use your words mofo, no idea what that face means.
I rarely see my family by choice but when I do it's turnt up. Both sides of my family are freaking hilarious (my Dad side is funnier though). There's nothing dull or boring about any side, so can't relate to ya lol
My immediate family is my mom and me and we have a variety of families that we associate with for the holidays. I don't know what my dad's family really does for the holidays anymore and I am sure he doesn't really know either. My mom and I go to our cousins on her dad's side which is nice. My two cousins on my generation are still "teaching" me about drinking and such. We also go to one of my mom's line sisters for pretty much everything else and that is where the too live crew is, kind of sorta. We have added another family or two this year for thanksgiving my aunt's godmothers and my god sister's house. So we have a plenty of places to turn up for whatever holiday we choose as long as there is an invitation extended.
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