I AM A MAN: Black Manhood & Sexual Diversity Panelists;

Cleo Manago, Rev. Al Sharpton, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Esther Armah, Dr. R L’Heureux Lewis, Bishop John SeldersRarely discussed in a progressive informative format and even more elusively discussed in and by the black community.  This panel discussion features premier voices in our community tackling black male sexuality, masculinity, manhood, our history and the influence of white gay culture.

Please view this eye opening and informative short documentary below, that at the very least will make you take pause and examine yourself, your fellow brothers and the black homosexual community.


During and after viewing this documentary, I had a sense of clarity and gratification because I knew some of the ideals and thoughts that the creators of Cypher Ave have expressed in private conversation and in previous posts on this website were not confined only to ourselves.

I am grateful to the panelists for their eloquent words and to Cleo Manago, founder of the Black Mens Xchange and the National Action Network for this production.  Please share your thoughts after viewing the panel discussion.