Entertainment, Television

WATCH: Walking Dead webisode series “The Oath” 

It shouldn’t be a secret that the creators of Cypher Avenue hate AMC’s Walking Dead. For us the last season was just horrible. The dull acting, plot holes, boring characters…blah, blah, blah. Compared to shows like the awesome Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones, WD doesn’t hold water. The trailer for the new season does look promising but Walking Dead has deceived me before…those bastards.


ON THE STREET: Homosexuality In Africa 

As you know Cypher Avenue is constantly searching the web for interesting subject matter to share with our audience. We came across a video produced by TVC News out of Africa. The video features candid commentary from everyday Africans and their attitudes towards homosexuality. What makes this refreshing is that it is not the usual African video from Uganda filled with hateful speech, outrage, and anger over homosexuality.


Listen To The Sounds Of Interstellar Space 

I have always been fascinated with our universe with all its mysteries and wonders. So like many other space geeks, I was excited to learn that NASA received confirmation that the Voyager 1 Spacecraft has finally reached interstellar space. After 35 years of space flight, Voyager 1 left our solar system around August 25th 2012.

Cypher Ave Originals

Are Masculine Men An Endangered Species? 

I recently watched two YouTube videos made by two different personalities in the black gay community. What Happened To All The Masculine Black Gay Men, featured the Walter Lee Hampton and the other, Are Masculine Gay Men Becoming Extinct featured transgendered Ms. Chanel. Both used “real life” situations or observations to pose their questions in the videos.