Do Transgender Masculine Men Of Color Matter?
I came across this video of transgender male King KT and was amazed at his transformation from female to male. He seems to not only have worked hard to obtain his physique but also seems to be living in his truth. Kudos to him! However it made me wonder; why have I not seen this or similar stories on any of the other popular gay mainstream websites that claim to be “for all members of the LGBT community”?
These websites highlight and focus daily on transgender women like Laverne Cox, Carmen Carrera and Janet Mock but rarely do they focus on transgendered men; why? As explained previously in my article The Gay Gatekeepers, anything that is fabulous, flamboyant and feminine is fixated on and praised within the Gay Mainstream bubble. Masculinity on the other hand is marginalized and often times shunned in the gay community.
Everyone knows that Cypher Avenue has a niche or feel and we are unapologetic in concerns of masculinity. I do feel that the supporters of the popular mainstream gay websites need to start holding their feet to the fire and call attention to the images and stories these websites constantly seem to keep omitting. If they claim they are a “safe place” and “welcoming to all”, make them prove it by adding some diversity not only in appearance but also in content.
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Now I have seen a lot of gay mainstream websites highlight FTM but they were mostly politicians or Chaz Bono. I think Laverne and Mock get a lot of exposure because they are vocal activist with a highly visible presence.
As far as this guy/girl…I don’t know, I think a lot of people(myself included) are still trying to wrap our heads around the trans movement.
I am looking at that like NO EFFING WAY. How on earth was that a female? It’s so weird to look at. I wonder…. how would anyone on Cypher Avenue feel if they were dating a man that they later found out used to be a woman???? I want us all to discuss!!!! @ocky, @nick, @domsmith01, @drewski23, @jonah, @rox808, @ace6, @hannibal, @rolandgarros28, @thatguy
I wouldn’t…I hear they aren’t extremely anatomically correct…if you know what I mean.
@AfricanKing if I were even somehow attracted to someone who even started out as a female I may as well see where it goes I guess.If we formed a bond that is.As far as casual dating I think I’d break it off.
@africanking Yea I don’t think I could date FTM person, no matter how much they looked like a dude it still wouldn’t turn me on.
In my view, most “Female to male” transgendered people don’t seek the same type of attention that “male to female” trans people do. Perhaps that’s part of the reason why their stories are rarely told. Not to say the Gay Gatekeepers don’t play some role in this, but I just don’t see F2M transgenders begging to be a part of that particular medium. They just wanna get on with their lives.
The “male to female” transgendered are more attention whorish in my view.
I dont know why exactly but my spirit tells me I agree with you.
Follow your spirit young Danielson… Follow your spirit.
ANSWER: No they don’t.
Masculinity is considered boring and a trait that needs to be eliminated in the Gay community. The point made in this article is very valid. How often do we see Gay websites showcasing and celebrating “Female To Male” Transgenders or even female “drag kings” (is that even a term)?
I think this is why many guys dig Cypher Avenue, at least we don’t pretend that Masculinity doesn’t exist or needs to be eliminated in the gay community.
This is kind of off topic as I don’t know much about the trans community (male to female or female to male), but just wondering why you feel (and just to preface I don’t think you are wrong necessarily, just picking your brain) that the (black?) gay community wants masculinity to be eliminated, yet a lot of men want (or say they want) men that at least have SOME types of masculine qualities somewhere in them (not saying they have to be super or hyper masculine or alpha male, etc.)?
I can say I never thought about the lack of focus on trans men and why this may be the case so this is definitely an interesting post.
I guess I should clarify by saying many ppl in the black gay community appear to want masculinity eliminated EXCEPT when it comes to seeking mates or sexual fulfillment. Even then, the objects of their attraction are not allowed to describe themselves as “masculine”, even if they are. Many within the community seem to want word Masculine/Masculinity to either be redefined or eliminated from the vocabulary altogether. This opinion comes from over three years of being a gay blogger and hearing backlash or criticism every time we use the word, even benignly.
Mmmm, interesting, I guess I never thought about it that way before, partially bc I guess I don’t know anyone that despises masculinity (hyper or over-the-top masc (or fem) guys is another story). As a matter of fact, I feel like masculine energy is more praised in the world than feminine, even for women, at least in my experience. I don’t know, the masc/fem thing at a certain point is all very subjective to me I guess. Is someone that is interested in the arts and not sports or action films, but carried himself like a “regular” dude not masculine (rhetorical question)?
*ignores the eliminating masculinity comment*
I think it’s men of color. The white gays from what I can tell on those blogs tend to love F2M trans. I see them all the time, mostly in politics and such. I think black people in general are weirded out by the whole trans thing but the M2F are a bit more pushy about it.
There was a prominent F2M trans teenager on this one black reality show called Gossip Game though. Not sure if that counts.
I think there are several reasons behind the marginalization of the voices of trans men of color within the LGBTQ spectrum. The trans movement as it is unfolding right now, is really making noise within the last few years. And though we’d like to believe ourselves enlightened enough to believe that all are equal under the umbrella of LGBTQ issues, we know that this is far beyond the truth especially when it comes to people of color and those that embrace the ideal masculine/feminine identity. Plus, trans people have had an interesting relationship with the gay community at best. You can look to trans activists such as Sylvia Rivera in the 70’s who were very vocal in regards to rights of all members of the LGBTQ community, but was shunned by the very community she fought for because she was not the “proper representation” for the community at large. That being said, it would be awesome to hear the stories of trans men of color. But in order for that to happen, trans men of color have to be willing to tell their stories. And be just as unapologetic about what they have to say about their lives. Not so that we can validate them and can accept them because they are a representation that we can live with. But because their stories are just as important. Because there are other trans youth who have yet to see themselves and can use their stories to begin to tell their own.
If you do a search right now on the top four mainstream gay websites and a search on the top 3 black gay websites, Cypher Avenue is the only one to have mentioned this man. King KT models, performs in pageants and has an active youtube channel. In his own right he is a well known trans gaylebrity.
Yes we get a lot of love, but as much hate as we get, we are in many cases THE ONLY GAY WEBSITE to feature black gay films and web series of gay men of color. Why aren’t the haters (for a lack of a better term) requiring their fem friendly websites to do more?
This is very interesting. I think there is resurgence of Female to Male that is now being talked about. I came across this transman on YouTube who is black and married and just gave birth to baby girl. It was very interesting. I was very fascinated.
I wonder if anyone on the site would date a masculine Trans-man?
Based on what I’ve been seeing in the world today, I’d say anything is possible. It’s not for me but I wouldn’t begrudge anyone who makes that choice.
Do you mean like Tyler Perry?
I would ; )
I agree the msle trans man story is under represented. They have been talking about their lives and experiences all over youtube but they dont get that much of a highlight. I guess ppl are hung up on the sexual side of things than to see the individual. It would be nice if you could do a podcast with some trans men to help bring their issues to the fore
thanks so much for this article. from what I have read many of these comments are assumptions and misconceptions…there are many same gender loving trans men out there who date, are in relationships with and are even married to men, whether they are trans or cis-gender/non-trans. And there is in fact a movement of same gender loving trans men increasing visibility in gay male communities because WE as well as our stories do matter, we do exist, we live our lives and we are real. there are many gay men who understand that their is a difference between gender and sexuality as well as being a man who loves men vs a man who loves SOLEY d*ck. trans men are real men despite our ASSUMED anatomy. you may not find yourself attracted to a trans person, but at least educate yourself on the topic..because there is information out there LOVE, A SAME GENDER LOVING TRANS MAN WHO HAS A SEX/LOVE LIFE THAT IS VERY MUCH ALIVE