timmy turner

I have no problem admitting I’m not a fan of a lot of trap music or artists. The auto-tuned, digitized, hard to understand lean inspired mumblings and ramblings just isn’t my taste. A couple of weeks ago when XXL released a video of a Desiigner freestyle from their Freshman Class 2016, I was captivated. Even though upon my first listen and thinking, “ok, typical mumblings”, there was a rhythmic hum like chant that pulled me in and seemed familiar to me.

Desiigner has now released a full track for his Timmy Turner freestyle.

After listening then going back and listening to the XXL video again; I realized why it seems familiar to me. Here’s is where you’ll think I’m probably crazy. Desiigner’s acappella freestyle for Timmy Turner reminds me of traditional African tribal chants in addition to chain gang prison songs from America’s Jim Crow era. Check out these two examples below but keep in mind I’m not saying these songs sound exactly alike but Timmy Turner somehow puts me in that musical mindset. 

Listen to this chain gang prison song “I’m Goin’ Home”.

Now listen to this African song / chant by the Basotho men of Lesotho.

Do you hear what I hear or do you think I’m off base? Either way, Timmy Turner is a dope ass track.
