
11. Bennie Harris

 You gotta love the youth. Young 19-year-old Bennie Harris is a sex symbol/stripper in training. This confident young man is very secure with himself and his body and knows that sex sells. On top of that, while heterosexual, Bennie Harris is not in denial that gay men watch and enjoy his erotic videos featuring him humping the floor and furniture in his mother’s home. He even Revines videos of gay men showing their support. Yes, as comical as a grown man humping the floor sounds but the young sir def knows how to flirt, sexually entice a fan base and attract jealous haters.

12. TeamKennard88

If Bennie Harris is too young for your tastes, here’s an older alternative. There’s nothing better than a sexy young black man who’s also a responsible father. Former football player Marcus Kennard shares the day-to-day antics of his life on his Vine with his gorgeous baby daughter as his co-star. While Kennard may not be gay (or even very gay-friendly) he still has no problem showing off his body for any and all that want to see, namely the women who go out of their way to show their thirst for him. Download Vine and Join Team Kennard. You won’t be disappointed.