Recently a terror cell was uncovered, not due to preemptive investigations or wire taps but because one of its members snapped and killed other members. This crime lead authorities to discover propaganda, recruiting fliers, bomb making and radioactive materials in the member’s shared apartment that. This terror cell wasn’t in Europe or a country in the Middle East, this was in the United States. There is a good chance you may not know about it because it was not covered or received very little attention from the 24 hour cable news channels.
To learn more about the terror cell and the possible reason/s as to why many in our free press didn’t cover this story, check out my commentary below.
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Damn, Ock, as usual, you hit it and quit it with some deep assed topic that really needs a three hour podcast, but I know you gotta life lol. So, my usual tried to keep it short but still TLDR response:
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Instagram Thirst Traps and Romper pics. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain with the bomb making materials…lol
All of those crazy militias that existed 25 years ago are still around…if anything they are getting worse and I am surpised they have been relatively quiet. This is scary stuff.
There is even white 'terrorist' privilige huh? smh.
The crazy sites I check have taken a turn for the worse also. They were REALLY anti-muslim after Trump but they are now just anti-everything even more than before. More anti-black, more anti-gay, etc. I think a big attack of some sort is probably coming from some of these nuts. And because there are so many whites in the US, there are more of them than many probably realize and they manage to blend in better because they have so many connections with not only others like them but others who know they are messed up, but tolerate them, not knowing just how bad they are. They know they are racist and hate other groups of people with a passion, but they have no clue those people would consider using a radiological bomb in the very community they live in…because in so many other ways, they are just like 'them'.
It is easier to suspect, to point the finger at, the person who is 'the other'.
*but what can you do? It is so depressing it DOES make me want to go back to making fun of rompers and looking at porn.
I have think you may have misunderstood my intent…or more like I was writing like crap at 5 am lol. I was referring to media elites.
Although I terrorist privilege would make a great MontyPython skit from Life of Brian.
I was not joking or being sarcastic. And it was less about any media.
White people who are 'sketchy' are going to get more of a pass. If someone fits the profile of a possible terrorist and they are brown or muslim, and someone else fits the profile as well…but 'he is good ole' bubba who just likes that 'Hitler shit" and he won't really hurt anyone… his brother dated my sister and he is good people'…who is going to get more law enforcement attention???? Who are people more likely to report as 'suspicious'???
This is just how a 'Timothy McVeigh' can happen.
Ok, got it! I thought it was my incoherent wake up writing lol
No there was interesting stuff in there….like this
. Very true. And the media elites and the elites in general area problem. But there is also a big problem at the lowest levels=the local police, the local citizens, and the individual.
It goes all the way down to there. While white mass shooters and serial killers are expected(by white people), white terrorists are just not on the radar(they were after Oklahoma City, which is part of the reason they all kept a lower profile…which now is possibly not so much the case.) They are craftier, and Trump's election is surely seen by some(as it is seen by many racists) that it may be time to come out of the closet and take some action. And white people are just not thinking along those lines IMO. And it will probably take a serious terror attack to change that attitude and way of thinking unfortunately.
The enemy is outside, but it is also within, and it is not just black or brown either.