More Black Gay and Bisexual web series hitting the scene. Maybe we’re witnessing a Golden Age of LGBT content.
Here’s another one called, “T.R.A.D.E. It All” with at least a couple masculine men with everyday lives. Looks like the same old Down Low angle is used again. We even see the word “trade” in the title which supposedly is a slang word for masculine “unclockable” gay men.
Here’s the synopsis:
As TRADE, the newest night club to hit Atlanta’s sexy nightlife prepares for its premiere, Jayden Woodard, a recently divorced father and owner of independent record label “The Grind” creates a link between ten prominent individuals involved in the entertainment industry that unlock The Reality About Downlow Experiences.
These individuals being prominent figures in Atlanta are faced with a constant struggle to keep their down-low lives and sexuality a secret, to maintain their illustrious careers, but when it becomes too much the question lingers, would you Trade it all?
With Tha Life Atlanta, Freefall, Steel River and now this web series documenting “the real Atlanta gay scene,” I’m starting to think I may need to move outta this place, ASAP.
What are your thoughts about this episode? Should they continue the series?
Nick Delmacy
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THANK YOU i wanted to know wth “trade” means
If this doesnt turn out to be porn with better set-up dialouge it could be watchable
Okay. Made it to the 6 minute mark and couldn’t do anymore. Why do black writers think that having the characters say more somehow makes what they say more realistic? It’s the complete opposite. And the flashback thing at the beginning…why?
This foolishness just made Freefall and No Shade look like Emmy winning masterpieces. Hell, even Steel River has better acting/production quality compared to this mess. From the title, to the acting, to that shitty ass blowjob at the end.. this was just tragic. I’m kinda salty that you even posted this fuckery, but in all fairness.. I guess you have to offer everyone a chance (for better or worse).
Whoa Whoa Whoa…You were the main one that used to get on me about constructive criticism and feedback…You even wrote a 8000 word response once chastising me for suggesting the other series creators should quit and then you suggested what equipment the filmmakers should get to improve…now you post this, lol
Well that was me on the streets of Discreet City, now I’m feeling my inner asshole on this Cypher Avenue tip.. wait.. (maybe I said too much lol). But yea, I am firm believer in giving constructive criticism, although sometimes even I slip on the shitty-ness of these half-assed ideas (like I’ve seen CocoDorm porns with better acting/production qualities). In all honesty though, if these kats (or anyother director, filmmaker, writer, artist, etc..) are truly serious about their craft.. than by all means.. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. Take this harsh, shady (slightly messy) criticism and use it to ENCOURAGE your passion (instead of DISCOURAGING your dream).
O.M.G @ “feeling my inner asshole”
*falls the f*ck out*
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*deep, heavy sigh*
Nnnnnno. They prooobably shouldn’t continue. At all.
…that acting…im bleeding right now
Are ya’ll gonna review the episode?
Nah, not gonna review…just gonna sit back and watch you guys dissect this joint.
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So yea I was like @hannibal struggling to get through. My belief is everyone gets at least 1 chance. They had it with this malarky right here. That “scene” in the “gym” was so pathetic. First off I have NEVER in my life seen a gym that a personal trainer would be in with curtains. Its one thing to maybe have used a gym at a hotel, but this makeshift mess will not work. Also, the acting in that one scene alone set the tone for the rest of the episode. It was like having to watch someone crap a foot away from you. I would truly hope that if they plan to continue this web series they would talk to some professional videographers because this was UNACCEPTABLE. I could do better with my phone camera and iMovie OMG. There are so many other problems that I have with this clip it disturbs me. Wow that is probably the most I have ever been a negative ned about anything black people produce but I mean that gym scene just got me bothered.
Wow there were a lot of Nigerians (Africans) acting in this web series… Yeah we are plentiful in tha atl. Anyway, I agree with most regarding this webseries – At that personal training scene, the acting was TERRIBLE. I did recognize some people in this web series… The sci-fi webisode that @Nick posted about on Discreet City in the past featured the guy in this show that works for that magazine. Also, the dude acting as that artist, Rico, is already a working model. I knew I’ve seen his face before.
I mean these guys tried… maybe episode 2 will be better lol.
@africanking ..It’s TRAINING ..They need training and when the big boys see that the work is professional then the money will come pouring in. They all have a good premise and plot but it starts from the writing , then the production, then the acting. I mean its just AMATEUR! That’s where these web series are all at now- the AMATEUR stage.
I’m not going to blood and fire them. They are doing something positive and as LGBT we always criticize and be quick to be “off with their heads” of other LGBT members…we are not known for supporting one another unless someone is killed or maimed and then we all REMEMBER we are LGBT.
We are going to look back and say do you remember when these web series were so bad it made my stomach hurts? We are ..because if these producers are serious about the ART they are doing…then they will improve, the MUST improve. Hollywood did not start out making movies like Titanic from the get had its years and fair share of flops and careless productions just like what we are seeing now. Give your constructive criticism. Make them listen. They will change. And we the LGBT will be so much more happier to know that once again we have given America another set of wings to make it soar above the rest of the world. I’m hopeful.
That was painfully bad. Hopefully the next episode will be better, but they need to spend more time on visual exposition, not just verbal. Show, don’t tell.
Man I’m so mad I watched this. This was horrible, are you kidding me! The acting was so bad, it was just like they were merely reciting their lines with no type of real emotion at all. I don’t think I can sit through another episode, they mind as well stop while they are at it lol, I’m just saying.
Hello All,
I am the producer of the series and just wanted to take the time to say thank you for even viewing our serieeas well as expressing your opinions. I speak for the entire team and say that we have thick skin and in order to grow we must be receptive to the feedback given. I am a first time producer and would like to do something Impactful for the community. As you all aware there are not many shows on National TV that represent the men of color in the LGBT community so I decided to produce the writers vision. Now there is no budget, this is all done and paid for out of our own pockets. The cast are new actors so with active training and workshops while adjusting to their roles, I believe they will get better with time. We don’t believe in quitting but perfecting our talent, so I am glad to hear you all’s feedback. If some of you have production skills or are skilled actors that may be open to given my team some pointers, I welcome you all to email me at we’d love to hear from you. We support all the other series out there from Finding Me, Steel River, Judy’s and Freefall. I think it’s great that people are using their creativity to do something constructive. Anyway I just wanted to take time to reach out to you all. Thank you Nick for the post it was much appreciated.
T.R.A.D.E IT ALL Productions
Congratulations on being brave enough to expose yourself to a hostile environment, man.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; … and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt
This is surprising. I respect the fact that you stood up and said who you are and with your positive approach to criticism the series can only get better…I wish other ‘producers’ and “directors” would do the same.
First the good points : Good to see that there is a group of LGBT members who are putting their money where their mouth is and doing something positive..putting out content that deals with issues the community desperately need to deal with. In time the networks will be forced to produce content like yours as viewers will eventually shift to web series and away from their cable box.
Secondly by starting this “HOLLYNET” you are in fact starting a new industry that the LGBT community can say in the not too distant future, WE started it . It means more jobs especially for LGBT actors and theatrical persons who are not consumed by the legitimate movie industry. What you and the others are doing is a good thing. Lastly its good to see a bevy of females in the series with good parts to chew on.
The entire team needs work..from the script writer, director, cinematographer, actors, production designer, location manager, the entire crew. They need training. But I understand..the big “B” word is in play here. As you said you are reaching out for help and that my friend is the mark of a great producer. I believe that in doing something do it right or don’t do it at all. I’m sure you do too. Don’t quit. Listen. Change. Produce. Get results. Good luck.
Hello Ptseti,
Thanks for the feedback. EVERYONE needs training and room to sharpen their skills in whatever arena they are in. Knowone will ever be perfect but will only get better with time and there is always a starting point.
This is mine, so I can agree to your post. I just hope you all continue to support people’s creative efforts because you never know what heights they will reach. I look at the efforts and nothing ever goes unnoticed. Thru trial and error things will get better. That’s how business works. It takes a lot of time, critque, change and research.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to post. We hear your feedback and will be working to give better productions 😉
T.R.A.D.E IT ALL Productions
I watched this on my laptop while making a turkey sammich in the kitchen :-).For what it’s worth, it kept me fairly entertained despite the poor acting and obvious plot holes.
1. The skinny “office professional” guy had tattoos on his NECK yet he tried to lecture the other guy about “the caliber of people he associates with?” That shyt was too funny.
2. The fact that the club promoters didn’t have an opening act just 2 DAYS before a grand opening, yet a new artist was sitting right there to possibly save the day?? For serious? That wasn’t too realistic at all. Our opening night is on Friday and you’re telling me we have no performer on Wednesday???. LOL hell naw! somebody bout to get bitch slapped.
But there’s lots of room for growth. The only character that seemed convincing was the cheating ‘thug’ in the car who gave ole boy some dome.
Hello Black Pegasus,
Great feedback. Thanks much appreciated.
Really with this? This is why I don’t watch 99% of black gay web series. What’s the point? Why does every black dude in this have a nasty arrogant attitude? Nothing innovative, progressive or positive about this. Enough already.
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LMAO!!! U aint sh’t for that gif either!
LMAO yes, he is very wrong. But shyt is mad funny though! LOL
……and it’s so very Ocky-like 🙂
I’m mad I stopped reading my book for this!….. I will say though in the spirit of I’m not an actor I’m glad people are trying to show other aspects of our community. The keyword there was “trying”
@tradeitalltv I just don’t get the concept of this show. It starts off with someone being drugged and wakes up to realize that he was filmed doing sexual acts and then pans to these random scenes. The character Rico lying to his mom about his grades and finances and the catty interaction between the two girls and Kenny. It seems really disjointed.
In regards to “trade” and “downlow”, I have some serious issues with those monikers. They continue to perpetuate the stereotype that gay Black men are sexual predators and the demise of Black women and families. It says that all we care about is our sexual desires regardless of who we have to hurt to satisfy them. I don’t know if that is what you were trying to put out there, but that’s what I got. More of the some tired drivel about this “DL” lifestyle that is lurking in the shadows. In my honest opinion, we don’t need more depictions of Black men doing anything abstruse, derelict, or banal. We need to move as far away from that destructive misnomer of secretive same sex interaction as if it were the only thing we have going for us. The fact of the matter is that there are men from all cultures and walks who engage in these tryst but the Black men gets publicly vilified for being the progenitors and purveyors of this behavior. I just feel that we are more than that and we have far more stories to tell.
Perhaps this series is not for me and that’s ok. I wish you the best in your endeavors.
You want understand it in 15 mins. That’s why it’s a series. It will take watching each episode to get it. There are some who broke down the story plot to me and get it. Some don’t. No worries on that part. If you listen to the characters talk you can put together somewhat of what’s happening but if it’s just obvious in your face, why continue to watch it hence the title of the first episode called “unanswered” there is a lot of question that are unanswered and an introduction of the characters situations and problems.
As far as DL Lifestyle it is written from someones personal experience and they want to tell it. Everything in the world isnt happy and peacful, this lifestyle exist and the light needs to be shinned on it, maybe people will open up and become comfortable with their sexuality. Who knows but hey thanks for your comments and critique. It is always welcome.
P.S- Every show isn’t for everybody and that’s fine.
Have a great day.
T.R.A.D.E IT ALL Productions
@tradeitalltv I will tune it to the next episode to see where it goes. I think that it is awesome that you are taking the feedback from the viewers about the series. Again, I wish you all the best.
Well I appreciate that. I just feel like nothing becomes a success over night and in this industry if you are not receptive to feedback then you really shouldn’t be doing it. The only way to give your audience something they want to see is by taking their feedback into consideration. Again thanks watching.
T.R.A.D.E IT ALL Productions
Wait, when hasn’t the light been shined on DL, negative, cheating stereotypes in the black gay community? If has been done over and over again for the last 10 years?
Every black gay content creator claims they will “put a spin on it” put end up telling pretty much same story. This reaffirms the stereotype that “this is all we are” in the black gay community. I applaud your entrepreneurship, openness to feedback, work ethic, etc. but just in my opinion this all lacks any innovation and creativity.
I could sit up here and rebuttal you all day long but I will not. There are more shows about outlife than DL Lifestyle. Noahs Arc, Finding Me, Drama Queenz, and now Judy’s.DL and Bisexual are lifestyles as well. So we have just as much right to tell our story as anybody else. You cant judge a 15 minute episode and say it’s not innovative without seeing the rest. You will have to watch the rest to even see it grow or soar. 15 mins is not enough time to tell the entire story hence “series” meaning the story is told throughout the series. There are not a lot of outlets or networks that will even broadcast shows about Men of Color in the lifestyle. Noahs Arc was one of few featured on Logo and now I don’t see any that I am aware of. So we young filmmakers have to start somewhere and youtube and online webseries gives us that platform. We have to start somewhere! The reason a lot of Gay Series or movies don’t make it is the lack of support and viewership because you would cast it off quick because it’s not the “Glitzy” “ultra supermodel” “A-List” actors in it. These shows are breaking new talent who will get better with time. Halle Berry damn sure wasn’t Halle Berry 20 years ago but she had to start somewhere. Monique for example always played the fat black chick in all the black and straight to DVD movies but look at how her career soared years later. Don’t be so quick to cast something off. Trying supporting it or given feedback that will actually help the series…
You know they mad when the exclamation marks start coming out.
LOL…Honestly, I am not mad. I actually enjoy a good debate. I’m an artist and passionate about my craft as anyone should be. I actually just read a post that Ocky posted about Black Filmmakers coming together and it sounds like an interesting concept 😉
Yeah props to you for accepting your work may have flaws (according to others) and still engaging with people about it. Wish there were more gay filmmakers like that.
Thanks! Appreciate the support again.
I applaud those who seek to bring our diverse experiences to the table. That said, I couldn’t finish it…the “office professional” BOTHERED me. I did share it on my Facebook page and will check for episode 2 with better managed expectations.
Thanks for watching and supporting it by sharing it on your facebook page. We hope to exceed your expectations on Episode 2. With time comes growth. Again thanks for your support.
T.R.A.D.E IT All Productions
@tradeitalltv Your show definitely has potential. I like it better than most upstarts. I can see your dynamic production at work in this piece. It shows thought and creativity. I can actually see the vision as opposed to other web series’ startups who I don’t care to mention but we “all” know who they are.
The fact that you came and addressed this forum in a tasteful manner speaks volumes for your character and willingness to listen to somebody other than “yourself” is damnright commendable. You will have much success if you listen to the comments and use them to make improvements where you feel it necessary and valid. Most of the comments are substantiated, although some are without merit.
You have balls and that’s what it takes if you are going to survive. I will definitely support you and if you polish it up a little I cannot see why you can’t set a goal on kickstarter and achieve it. At least you are not a fucking crybaby coming and joining the comment’s section on cypheravenue to act like a pure bitch whining because your feelings got hurt because somebody responded to your comments and wasn’t kissing your ass or head over heels telling you how wonderful your shit is when it is definitely not – hurt feelings and crying to the owner about the person needing to to be “moderated.” Imagine that shit?
You have what it takes to make it happen. I will be watching to see how things go. Let me know how I can assist.
I am glad you took the time to respond and I thank you for the awesome feedback. People don’t know it took a considerable amount of time to put this project together and its funded 100% solely by myself so I believe in my project. It took months of casting because their is a not alot of actors in Atlanta who are going to do LGBT series and for no pay for the time being. So we have to use up and coming actors who I feel should be given a chance anyway because they have to start somewhere.
I’m not phased by any of the comments here because everyone is entitled to their opinion. There was alot of great feedback and it was very motivating actually. I feel because I have come from a Customer Service background my audience are like my customers so I have to satisfy them, because they are the only ones who are going to show support while at the same time I know my show is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.
In this Industry you have to have thick skin. Everyone is not going to like what you do or what you put out. SO you have to take the good with the bad and make the necessary changes to your work as you see fit at the end of the day.
I hope we can capture in Episode 2 what you all are expecting out of our shows. Again thank you for the support and feedback its much appreciated.
T.R.A.D.E IT ALL Productions.
The acting is horrendous. It’s like the actors are reading off their scripts.
Where to begin our more apropro did I end it? The lack of smooth, modern writing….. My dear? The acting… Middle school summer theater. The plot….. Contrived, forced
I applaud all stories of our collective experience but if this is just hastily thrown together. Better production and I would give this a second look
Trade it all is good. If you can remember Freefall, Judys and Realize Real lies, than you can identify with some of the actors. Justice and Judy’s ex-boyfriend of the main character is similar on this show. However, Freefall character is drastically different. I can’t relate to him as a music producer when he was running the streets with TY. But to be honest, I never understood why he was given that bad boy imagine on Freefall. Tony seem more bad boy to me.