On June 17th 2015, suspected gunman Dylann Roof walked into a historical black church in South Carolina. It’s reported that after the bible study ended, he shot and killed 9 church members. It’s also being reported that he allowed a parishioner to live so they could deliver a message.
“I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”
Understandably this mass shooting is garnering national media attention. Anxious to hear an LGBT perspective or message concerning this atrocity, I looked to mainstream LGBT websites Towleroad, Queerty, The Advocate, Huff Post Gay Voices, GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign. These all-inclusive “equality preaching, we need justice now, rights for all” websites – at the time of this posting – have made ZERO mentions of the South Carolina church shooting tragedy. Why?
What if one of the all-inclusive LGBT loving churches in this country or a church with an openly gay pastor had been shoot up and 9 attendees died? What if a survivor reported the gunman said before he left the scene of carnage…
“I have to do it. You gays want to get married to each other and your agenda is taking over our country. And you have to go.”
I can only imagine the coverage and responses from these LGBT mainstream sites. Maybe I’m reaching. Do you think their responsibilities and reporting should cover equality and justice pertaining to only LGBT topics? It’s interesting that some of these sites have daily topics that are not exclusively related to LGBT i.e. TV shows, movies, politics, etc.
Either they have forgotten or don’t care that people of color are also a part of the non-heterosexual spectrum.
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As usual they are MIA. There is a strong racist attitude in the LGBT community
Great, a white MSM gay website reposts a message from 3 LGBT orgs. The scenario I presented in the post would still be handled differently if the color of the dead was different and they were LGBT. Bias by these organizations is very real.
Great, a white MSM gay website reposts messages from 3 other LGBT organizations. The scenario I presented here would still be handled differently if the color of the dead was different and they were LGBT. Bias by these organizations is very real.
HRC’s ‘White Men’s Club’
Not for nothin’, but this article just seems to be describing…”Any Corporate Job in America”, just substitute Gay for Straight. smh
There is clearly a bit of a racial divide in the LGBT community. Unfortunately, the gay rights agenda has driven the wedge even deeper and the gap has widened. In my opinion, the gay rights movement is a covert campaign to grant white gays access to all of the white privileges that most feel is their birth right. Yes, I believe that there is a large portion of white gays who want to be accepted by mainstream whites so that they can freely join in on the hate, supremacy, and intolerance of others. That being said, STOP looking for them to take up our causes and being offended by their silence. We are not a weak people who have to be validated by whites. We give too much thought and good energy to what white people are and aren’t doing. Where is the black LGBT perspective on this tragedy? That’s the perspective that matters most to me.
Point very well taken…and you know I know.
Cosign. I’ve said the same thing about the white LGBT movement and white feminist movement. Both of these groups are only interested in gaining access to the power and privilege that come with whiteness not equality. Their silence on this speaks volumes.
I read the article, and yes! They’re no where to be found on subjects like this. We have it TWICE as hard, not only because we’re gay, but because we’re black. That’s all.
And when you mentioned that scenario about someone walking up to some gay people and killing them based on a gay agenda, in my mind I was like “Boom” (like Tamar on Braxton Family Values). They only care when it’s a gay thing, but when something like this happen, they wouldn’t care. EVEN IF there was one of them who would’ve been gay, they would’ve either done one of the two things: made it a ‘gay’ issue, or they wouldn’t have made it an issue at all, like now.
James Craig Anderson was run over and killed by teens who were “hunting” blacks in Mississippi. There was no mention of this on the MSM LGBT sites. ONLY after it was reviled months later that he had a partner, THEN they mentioned him and the crime. Seriously
And you know what? They never mentioned that he was gay on the local media posts of that story.
I always thought that was odd.
Joe My God, a blog I would argue is more prominent than many you listed had several stories about the incident.
I’ve never heard of this blog.
So, is this the only perspective that cypheravenue.com has to offer on this tragedy? It’s almost been a week already. Surely the contents of this article can’t be the only thing that you got out of this horrific event.
99.9% of all other perspectives (which I’m sure you have seen/heard) have pretty much been exhausted in multiple forms of media on this subject…this ONE hadn’t and still hasn’t.
Ocky, It seems that you are being deliberately obtuse. I think what IJS meant was, what is YOUR perspective on this event.
Maybe you don’t have a perspective either other than to say that the white LGBT media doesn’t have one which to me is not really a “perspective” at all.
Nope I’m being acute…giggady
IJS can speak for himself. If he wanted to ask a direct question he could have.
You all know my opinion on this because I have written it many times. The white gay elite is interested in one thing only….MONEY…they don’t care about causes, issues, or situations that do not concern them and MONEY. We know that the leadership in these flagship organizations or overwhelming white, wealthy, and male – that puts them in a certain category despite their gayness.