Who Killed James Mayberry?
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Does HIV Really Matter Anymore?
Cypher Avenue has written many posts about HIV / AIDS awareness in communities of color, so we know the statistics. Some stats may have been eye openers; however I have been seeing negative stats for years. So when it comes to new surveys or new information concerning homosexual men and HIV transmission, my attitude is somewhat “okay, what else is new?”
CA Podcast #8 – Sex & Dating Roundtable Discussion
In this podcast, Ocky Williams and Nick Delmacy join five members of Cypher Avenue to discuss dating, sex, relationships and the Cypher Ave article “The 15 Reasons You Are NOT Relationship Material.”
Top 15 Reasons You ARE NOT Relationship Material
Do single gay men want long term relationships or are they just in love with the idea having one? Are men just captivated with the concept of the fantasy man that will come and fulfill their dreams? When gay men say out loud “long term relationship” do they really mean “non-committed companionship”? Well let’s just say it’s the former and not the latter, the problem is many men don’t realize they’re not ready and are not relationship material. Could this be you?
The Shallow Gay Black Dating Pool: Census Data Reveals Sad Details
Key takeaways from this report is that American Gay Black Men are statistically fewer in number, less educated, more unemployed and primarily only reside in select cities/states. Damn son.
I Get So Weak…
My own experience dating men has been limited. I will admit having tried to meet guys on websites and even using two popular social apps that sound like an action words. There was no success though I made an earnest attempt. However, when I think about my past relationships there are four men that make me weak.
The hot summer months are almost behind us so its time to put on more layers of clothing and cuddle up with someone special to help pass the time spent bundled up indoors. Its time to get Cuffed Up.
Eight Great Date Ideas
Sometimes while dating or in relationships things can get habitual and mundane. Before you know it, it’s the usually dinner and a movie then back to the house for drinks. Yawn. Why not turn it up a notch and do something different from your normal weekend routine? Whether dating or in a relationship, it always helps to try to make things fun and interesting.
Why Some Straight Men Are Romantically or Sexually Attracted to Other Men
The following scenario happens many times: A man comes into my office, referred by his own therapist and clutching coming-out literature that the therapist has given him. He explains that his therapist has tried, unsuccessfully, to help him come out as gay or bisexual, but even though he’s had sex with other men or gone to gay porn websites, he insists that he isn’t gay
Being Traditionally Socialized Men in Nontraditional Relationships
I enter this dialogue as a young, black, masculine, gay man in a committed, deeply revolutionary and life changing relationship with another young, black, masculine, gay man. My dude and I have spent much of the past two years laughing, learning and loving and just as much of the time crying…
Question Of The Week – The Dating Pool
Why do many guys say that the dating pools in their respective cities are bad or of poor quality? Is it the dating pools that are bad or is it the quality of black gay men in general that is lacking?
Looking To Grindr, Believe You’ll Get Jackd
Now I’m no stranger to online dating applications, so I believe my advice on them are at an expert level. I couldn’t tell you how many times I have had friends and acquaintances approach me with the same complaint: “I think all he…
Does Bisexuality Exist?
I’ve never claimed to be a subject-matter expert on many things. I don’t yet have a masters or doctors degrees or specific certifications covering some of the subjects I blog about. Like many bloggers, I write my blog posts coming from my viewpoint, much of…
Turning Positive
Turning Positive “I guess I shoulda known By the way you parked your car sideways That it wouldn’t last See you’re the kinda person That believes in makin’ out once Love ’em and leave ’em fast” – Little Red Corvette Prince …
This has been a long time coming.The gay mainstream websites and blogs are full of posts from bloggers and editors about “NO FEMS NO FATS” being listed on online dating (fucking) apps. These bloggers and editors feel rejected, offended and outraged. My gloves are…
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